Certified Ethical Hacker (Ceh) Preparation Guide: Lesson-Based Review of Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing
暫譯: 認證倫理駭客 (CEH) 準備指南:基於課程的倫理駭客與滲透測試回顧
Sheikh, Ahmed
You will review the organized certified hacking mechanism along with: stealthy network re-con; passive traffic detection; privilege escalation, vulnerability recognition, remote access, spoofing; impersonation, brute force threats, and cross-site scripting. The book covers policies for penetration testing and requirements for documentation.
This book uses a unique "lesson" format with objectives and instruction to succinctly review each major topic, including: footprinting and reconnaissance and scanning networks, system hacking, sniffers and social engineering, session hijacking, Trojans and backdoor viruses and worms, hacking webservers, SQL injection, buffer overflow, evading IDS, firewalls, and honeypots, and much more.What You Will learn
- Understand the concepts associated with Footprinting
- Perform active and passive reconnaissance
- Identify enumeration countermeasures
- Be familiar with virus types, virus detection methods, and virus countermeasures
- Know the proper order of steps used to conduct a session hijacking attack
- Identify defensive strategies against SQL injection attacks
- Analyze internal and external network traffic using an intrusion detection system
Who This Book Is For
Security professionals looking to get this credential, including systems administrators, network administrators, security administrators, junior IT auditors/penetration testers, security specialists, security consultants, security engineers, and more
了解道德駭客的基本原則。本書旨在提供您準備 Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) 考試所需的知識、策略和工具——這是一項測試網路安全專業人員對安全威脅、風險和對策的基本知識的資格認證,通過講座和實作實驗室進行。
本書採用獨特的「課程」格式,包含目標和指導,簡明扼要地回顧每個主要主題,包括:足跡分析和偵查、掃描網路、系統駭客、嗅探器和社交工程、會話劫持、木馬和後門病毒及蠕蟲、駭客攻擊網頁伺服器、SQL 注入、緩衝區溢位、迴避入侵檢測系統 (IDS)、防火牆和蜜罐等,還有更多內容。
- 了解與足跡分析相關的概念
- 執行主動和被動偵查
- 識別列舉對策
- 熟悉病毒類型、病毒檢測方法和病毒對策
- 知道進行會話劫持攻擊的正確步驟順序
- 識別對抗 SQL 注入攻擊的防禦策略
- 使用入侵檢測系統分析內部和外部網路流量
希望獲得此證照的安全專業人員,包括系統管理員、網路管理員、安全管理員、初級 IT 審計員/滲透測試員、安全專家、安全顧問、安全工程師等。