C# Programming for Absolute Beginners: Learn to Think Like a Programmer and Start Writing Code
暫譯: C# 程式設計入門:學會像程式設計師思考並開始撰寫程式碼
Vystavěl, Radek
Get started using the C# programming language. Based on the author's 15 years of experience teaching beginners, this book provides you with a step-by-step introduction to the principles of programming, or rather, how to think like a programmer. The task-solution approach will get you immersed, with minimum theory and maximum action.
What You Will Learn
- Understand what programming is all about
- Write simple, but non-trivial, programs
- Become familiar with basic programming constructs such as statements, types, variables, conditions, and loops
- Think like a programmer and combine these programming constructs in new ways
- Get to know C# as a modern, mainstream programming language, and Visual Studio as one of the world's most popular programming tools
Who This Book Is For
Those with very little or no experience in computer programming, who know how to use a computer, install a program, and navigate the web
開始使用 C# 程式語言。根據作者 15 年教學初學者的經驗,本書提供您逐步介紹程式設計的原則,或者說,如何像程式設計師一樣思考。任務-解決方案的方法將讓您沉浸其中,理論最少,行動最多。
- 了解程式設計的本質
- 撰寫簡單但不平凡的程式
- 熟悉基本的程式設計結構,例如語句、類型、變數、條件和迴圈
- 像程式設計師一樣思考,並以新的方式結合這些程式設計結構
- 了解 C# 作為一種現代主流程式語言,以及 Visual Studio 作為全球最受歡迎的程式設計工具之一
Radek Vystavel started programming at a young age and has been doing it ever since, as well as sharing it with others. Greatly inspired by Lev Landau and Richard Feynman, Radek shares the desire to always search for the most basic fundamentals in any given situation. Having worked as both a programming teacher in college and privately, as a programmer, Radek started writing books on programming because many of his students had no previous knowledge of programming and he had difficulty finding a suitable textbook for them. Throughout the years he has gained a unique insight into what resonates when teaching beginners.
Radek Vystavel 在年輕時就開始編程,並且一直持續至今,還與他人分享這項技術。受到 Lev Landau 和 Richard Feynman 的啟發,Radek 也渴望在任何情況下都尋找最基本的原則。作為大學的程式設計教師和私人教師,Radek 以程式設計師的身份工作,開始撰寫程式設計書籍,因為他的許多學生對程式設計沒有任何先前的知識,而他也難以找到適合他們的教科書。多年來,他對於教導初學者時哪些內容能引起共鳴有了獨特的見解。