Programming Microcontrollers with Python: Experience the Power of Embedded Python
暫譯: 用 Python 編程微控制器:體驗嵌入式 Python 的威力
Subero, Armstrong
For the first time microcontrollers are powerful enough to be programmed in Python. The landscape of embedded systems development is changing, microcontrollers are becoming more powerful, and the rise of the internet of things is leading more developers to get into hardware. This book provides the solid foundation to start your journey of embedded systems development and microcontroller programming with Python.
You'll quickly realize the value of using Python. The theme of the book is simplicity and the cleanness and elegance of Python makes that possible. Featuring a step-by-step approach, this single source guide balances complexity and clarity with insightful explanations that you'll easily grasp.
Python is quickly becoming the language of choice for applications such as machine learning and computer vision on embedded devices. What would previously be daunting and exceedingly difficult to do in C or C++ is now possible with Python because of its level of abstraction. Programming Microcontrollers with Python is your path to bringing your existing skills to the embedded space.
What You'll Learn
- Review microcontroller basics and the hardware and software requirements
- Understand an embedded system's general architecture
- Follow the steps needed to carry a product to market
- Take a crash course in Python programming
- Program a microcontroller
- Interface with a microcontroller using LCD and Circuit Python
- Use and control sensors
Who This Book Is For
Those getting started with microcontrollers, those new to C, C++, and Arduino programming, web developers looking to get into IoT, or Python programmers who wish to control hardware devices.
微控制器首次強大到可以用 Python 進行編程。嵌入式系統開發的格局正在改變,微控制器變得越來越強大,而物聯網的興起使得越來越多的開發者開始接觸硬體。本書提供了堅實的基礎,讓您開始嵌入式系統開發和使用 Python 進行微控制器編程的旅程。
您將迅速體會到使用 Python 的價值。本書的主題是簡單性,而 Python 的簡潔和優雅使這一切成為可能。本書採用逐步指導的方法,平衡了複雜性和清晰度,並提供了深入的解釋,讓您輕鬆掌握。
Python 正迅速成為嵌入式設備上機器學習和計算機視覺等應用的首選語言。以前在 C 或 C++ 中令人畏懼且極其困難的任務,現在因為 Python 的抽象層次而變得可行。《使用 Python 編程微控制器》是您將現有技能帶入嵌入式領域的途徑。
- 回顧微控制器的基本知識及其硬體和軟體需求
- 理解嵌入式系統的一般架構
- 跟隨將產品推向市場所需的步驟
- 進行 Python 編程的速成課程
- 編程微控制器
- 使用 LCD 和 Circuit Python 與微控制器進行介面
- 使用和控制感測器
對微控制器感興趣的初學者、新接觸 C、C++ 和 Arduino 編程的人、希望進入物聯網的網頁開發者,或希望控制硬體設備的 Python 程式設計師。
Armstrong Subero started learning electronics at the age of 8. One of the happiest memories in his childhood was when he finally figured out how to make a light bulb. It took off from there as he taught himself more advanced topics in electronics, before delving into computer architecture, and eventually discovering the joys of microcontrollers and FPGAs.
He currently works for the Ministry of National Security in his country and writes software, design circuits, courses, robots as well as write books, and blogs about technology on in his free time. He is also a contributing author to Free Code Camp and has degrees in Computer Science and Liberal Arts and Sciences from Thomas Edison State University. He is the author of "Programming PIC Microcontrollers in XC8" and "Codeless Data Structures and Algorithms" both published by Apress Media LLC.
Armstrong Subero 在 8 歲時開始學習電子學。他童年中最快樂的回憶之一是當他終於弄明白如何製作一個燈泡時。從那時起,他自學了更高級的電子學主題,然後深入研究計算機架構,最終發現了微控制器和 FPGA 的樂趣。
他目前在他國家的國家安全部工作,並在空閒時間編寫軟體、設計電路、開設課程、製作機器人,以及在 上撰寫有關技術的書籍和部落格。他也是 Free Code Camp 的貢獻作者,並擁有來自托馬斯·愛迪生州立大學的計算機科學和文科及科學學位。他是《Programming PIC Microcontrollers in XC8》和《Codeless Data Structures and Algorithms》的作者,這兩本書均由 Apress Media LLC 出版。