Test-Driven Development in Swift: Compile Better Code with Xctest and Tdd

Gio Lodi

  • 出版商: Apress
  • 出版日期: 2021-07-02
  • 定價: $1,575
  • 售價: 9.5$1,496
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 286
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 1484270010
  • ISBN-13: 9781484270011
  • 相關分類: Apple DeveloperTDD 測試導向開發
  • 立即出貨 (庫存=1)




Leverage Swift to practice effective and efficient test-driven development (TDD) methodology. Software testing and TDD are evergreen programming concepts--yet Swift developers haven't widely adopted them. What's needed is a clear roadmap to learn and adopt TDD in the Swift world. Over the past years, Apple has invested in XCTest and Xcode's testing infrastructure, making testing a new top priority in their ecosystem. Open-source libraries such as Quick and Nimble have also reached maturity. The tools are there. This book will show you how to wield them.

TDD has much more to offer than catching bugs. With this book, you'll learn a philosophy for building software. TDD enables engineers to solve problems incrementally, writing only as much code as necessary. By decomposing big problems into small steps, you can move along at a fast pace, always making visible progress.

Participate in the test-driven development journey by building a real iOS application and incorporating new concepts through each chapter. The book's concepts will emerge as you figure out ways to use tests to drive the solutions to the problems of each chapter. Through the TDD of a single application, you'll be introduced to all the staples and advanced concepts of the craft, understand the trade offs each technique offers, and review an iterative process of software development.

Test-Driven Development in Swift provides the path for a highly efficient way to make amazing apps.

What You'll Learn


  • Write tests that are easy to maintain
  • Look after an ever-growing test suite
  • Build a testing vocabulary that can be applied outside the Swift world
  • See how Swift programming enhances the TDD flow seen in dynamic languages
  • Discover how compiler errors can provide the same helpful guidance as failing tests do


Who This Book Is For

Mid-level developers keen to write higher quality code and improve their workflows. Also, developers that have already been writing tests but feel they are not getting the most out of them.


利用 Swift 實踐有效且高效的測試驅動開發(TDD)方法。軟體測試和 TDD 是永恆的程式設計概念,然而 Swift 開發者尚未廣泛採用它們。需要的是一個清晰的路線圖,以便在 Swift 的世界中學習和採用 TDD。在過去的幾年中,蘋果公司已經投資於 XCTest 和 Xcode 的測試基礎設施,使測試成為他們生態系統中的一個新的重點。開源庫,如 Quick 和 Nimble,也已經成熟。工具已經存在。本書將向您展示如何使用這些工具。

TDD 提供的不僅僅是捕捉錯誤。通過本書,您將學習一種構建軟體的哲學。TDD 使工程師能夠逐步解決問題,只寫必要的程式碼。通過將大問題分解為小步驟,您可以以快速的速度前進,始終取得可見的進展。

通過構建一個真實的 iOS 應用程序並在每個章節中引入新概念,參與測試驅動開發的旅程。本書的概念將在您找到使用測試驅動解決每個章節問題的方法時浮現。通過對單一應用程序的 TDD,您將介紹這個技術的所有基本和高級概念,了解每種技術提供的權衡,並回顧軟體開發的迭代過程。

《Test-Driven Development in Swift》為製作出令人驚艷的應用程序提供了高效的途徑。


- 撰寫易於維護的測試
- 管理不斷增長的測試套件
- 建立一個可以應用於 Swift 以外世界的測試詞彙
- 看到 Swift 編程如何增強動態語言中所見的 TDD 流程
- 發現編譯器錯誤可以提供與失敗測試相同的有用指導



Gio Lodi spent the past decade writing tests. He began with full-stack web development before moving into iOS programming and, more recently, into mobile infrastructure engineering. Ruby on Rails introduced him to the TDD world, and he fell in love with the fast-paced feedback loop. Any big problem could be decomposed in smaller and smaller parts until it got to an achievable size. Due to the lack of tools he first encountered moving into the Apple ecosystem, Gio researched and experimented with testing strategies and tools document in an ongoing project that catalogued on his blog and in talks and workshops at various industry conferences.


Gio Lodi在過去的十年中一直在撰寫測試。他從全棧網頁開發開始,然後轉向iOS編程,最近又轉向移動基礎架構工程。Ruby on Rails將他引入了TDD的世界,他愛上了快節奏的反饋循環。任何大問題都可以分解成越來越小的部分,直到達到可實現的大小。由於在進入蘋果生態系統時遇到了工具的缺乏,Gio在一個持續進行的項目中進行了測試策略和工具的研究和實驗,並在他的博客、各種行業會議的演講和工作坊中進行了記錄。