PostgreSQL Query Optimization: The Ultimate Guide to Building Efficient Queries (Paperback)

Dombrovskaya, Henrietta, Novikov, Boris, Bailliekova, Anna

  • 出版商: Apress
  • 出版日期: 2021-04-23
  • 定價: $1,800
  • 售價: 8.0$1,440 (限時優惠至 2024-10-31)
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 319
  • 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
  • ISBN: 1484268849
  • ISBN-13: 9781484268841
  • 相關分類: PostgreSQLSQL
  • 立即出貨(限量) (庫存=1)




Write optimized queries. This book helps you write queries that perform fast and deliver results on time. You will learn that query optimization is not a dark art practiced by a small, secretive cabal of sorcerers. Any motivated professional can learn to write efficient queries from the get-go and capably optimize existing queries. You will learn to look at the process of writing a query from the database engine's point of view, and know how to think like the database optimizer.

The book begins with a discussion of what a performant system is and progresses to measuring performance and setting performance goals. It introduces different classes of queries and optimization techniques suitable to each, such as the use of indexes and specific join algorithms. You will learn to read and understand query execution plans along with techniques for influencing those plans for better performance. The book also covers advanced topics such as the use of functions and procedures, dynamic SQL, and generated queries. All of these techniques are then used together to produce performant applications, avoiding the pitfalls of object-relational mappers.


What You Will Learn

  • Identify optimization goals in OLTP and OLAP systems
  • Read and understand PostgreSQL execution plans
  • Distinguish between short queries and long queries
  • Choose the right optimization technique for each query type
  • Identify indexes that will improve query performance
  • Optimize full table scans
  • Avoid the pitfalls of object-relational mapping systems
  • Optimize the entire application rather than just database queries


Who This Book Is For
IT professionals working in PostgreSQL who want to develop performant and scalable applications, anyone whose job title contains the words "database developer" or "database administrator" or who is a backend developer charged with programming database calls, and system architects involved in the overall design of application systems running against a PostgreSQL database





- 在 OLTP 和 OLAP 系統中確定優化目標
- 閱讀和理解 PostgreSQL 執行計劃
- 區分短查詢和長查詢
- 選擇適合每種查詢類型的優化技術
- 確定能提升查詢性能的索引
- 優化完整表掃描
- 避免物件關聯映射系統的陷阱
- 優化整個應用程序而不僅僅是資料庫查詢

- 在 PostgreSQL 中工作並希望開發高效且可擴展應用程序的 IT 專業人士
- 任何職稱中包含“資料庫開發人員”或“資料庫管理員”的人,或者是負責編寫資料庫調用的後端開發人員
- 參與運行在 PostgreSQL 資料庫上的應用系統整體設計的系統架構師


Henrietta Dombrovskaya is a database researcher and developer with over 35 years of academic and industrial experience. She holds a PhD in computer science from the University of Saint Petersburg, Russia. At present, she is Associate Director of Databases at Braviant Holdings, Chicago, Illinois. She is an active member of the PostgreSQL community, a frequent speaker at the PostgreSQL conference, and a local organizer of the Chicago PostgreSQL User Group. Her research interests are tightly coupled with practice and are focused on developing efficient interactions between applications and databases. She is a winner of the "Technologist of the Year" 2019 award of the Illinois Technology Association.
Boris Novikov is currently a professor in the Department of Informatics at National Research University Higher School of Economics in Saint Petersburg, Russia. He graduated from Leningrad University's School of Mathematics and Mechanics. He has worked for Saint Petersburg University for a number of years and moved to his current position in January, 2019. His research interests are in a broad area of information management and include several aspects of design, development, and tuning of databases, applications, and database management systems. He also has interests in distributed scalable systems for stream processing and analytics.
Anna Bailliekova is Senior Data Engineer at Zendesk. Previously, she built ETL pipelines, data warehouse resources, and reporting tools as a team lead on the Division Operations team at Epic. She has also held analyst roles on a variety of political campaigns and at Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research. She received her undergraduate degree cum laude with College Honors in political science and computer science from Knox College in Galesburg, Illinois.


Henrietta Dombrovskaya是一位資料庫研究員和開發人員,擁有超過35年的學術和工業經驗。她在俄羅斯聖彼得堡大學獲得計算機科學博士學位。目前,她是位於伊利諾伊州芝加哥的Braviant Holdings的資料庫副總監。她是PostgreSQL社區的活躍成員,經常在PostgreSQL會議上演講,並且是芝加哥PostgreSQL用戶組的本地組織者。她的研究興趣與實踐緊密相關,主要集中在開發應用程序和數據庫之間高效的交互作用。她是2019年伊利諾伊州技術協會的“年度技術人員”獎的獲得者。

Boris Novikov目前是俄羅斯聖彼得堡國立研究大學高等經濟學院信息學系的教授。他畢業於列寧格勒大學的數學和力學學院。他在聖彼得堡大學工作了多年,並於2019年1月轉到了他目前的職位。他的研究興趣涵蓋了信息管理的廣泛領域,包括數據庫、應用程序和數據庫管理系統的設計、開發和調優的幾個方面。他還對分佈式可擴展的流處理和分析系統感興趣。

Anna Bailliekova是Zendesk的高級數據工程師。之前,她作為Epic公司的Division Operations團隊的團隊負責人,構建了ETL流程、數據倉庫資源和報告工具。她還在多個政治競選活動和Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research擔任分析師職位。她在伊利諾伊州蓋爾斯堡的諾克斯學院以政治學和計算機科學的優異成績獲得學士學位。