Pro SQL Server Relational Database Design and Implementation: Best Practices for Scalability and Performance (專業 SQL Server 關聯資料庫設計與實作:可擴展性與效能的最佳實踐)
Davidson, Louis
$990Query Store for SQL Server 2019: Identify and Fix Poorly Performing Queries
$1,200$1,020 -
$800$632 -
Designing an effective and scalable database using SQL Server is a task requiring skills that have been around for well over 30 years, using technology that is constantly changing. This book covers everything from design logic that business users will understand to the physical implementation of design in a SQL Server database. Grounded in best practices and a solid understanding of the underlying theory, author Louis Davidson shows you how to "get it right" in SQL Server database design and lay a solid groundwork for the future use of valuable business data. What You Will Learn
- Develop conceptual models of client data using interviews and client documentation
- Implement designs that work on premises, in the cloud, or in a hybrid approach
- Recognize and apply common database design patterns
- Normalize data models to enhance integrity and scalability of your databases for the long-term use of valuable data
- Translate conceptual models into high-performing SQL Server databases
- Secure and protect data integrity as part of meeting regulatory requirements
- Create effective indexing to speed query performance
- Understand the concepts of concurrency
Who This Book Is For
Programmers and database administrators of all types who want to use SQL Server to store transactional data. The book is especially useful to those wanting to learn the latest database design features in SQL Server 2019 (features that include graph objects, in-memory OLTP, temporal data support, and more). Chapters on fundamental concepts, the language of database modeling, SQL implementation, and the normalization process lay a solid groundwork for readers who are just entering the field of database design. More advanced chapters serve the seasoned veteran by tackling the latest in physical implementation features that SQL Server has to offer. The book has been carefully revised to cover all the design-related features that are new in SQL Server 2019.
在SQL Server 2019和其他最新版本的SQL Server中學習有效且可擴展的數據庫設計技巧。本書已經修訂,涵蓋了SQL Server的新增功能,包括SQL圖形增強、內存在線事務處理、時間數據存儲、行級安全性和其他與設計相關的功能。本書將幫助您設計高質量的OLTP數據庫,保護數據的完整性,並在本地、雲端或混合配置中實現快速性能。
使用SQL Server設計一個有效且可擴展的數據庫是一項需要超過30年技能的任務,使用的技術也在不斷變化。本書涵蓋了從業務用戶能理解的設計邏輯到在SQL Server數據庫中實現設計的物理實現的一切。作者Louis Davidson以最佳實踐和對基礎理論的深入理解為基礎,向您展示如何在SQL Server數據庫設計中“做對”,並為未來使用寶貴的業務數據奠定堅實基礎。
- 使用訪談和客戶文檔開發客戶數據的概念模型
- 實施適用於本地、雲端或混合方法的設計
- 識別並應用常見的數據庫設計模式
- 對數據模型進行規範化,以提高數據庫的完整性和可擴展性,以長期使用寶貴數據
- 將概念模型轉化為高性能的SQL Server數據庫
- 作為滿足監管要求的一部分,保護和維護數據完整性
- 創建有效的索引以加快查詢性能
- 理解並應用並發的概念
- 所有類型的程序員和數據庫管理員,希望使用SQL Server存儲事務數據。本書對於那些想要了解SQL Server 2019中最新的數據庫設計功能(包括圖形對象、內存OLTP、時間數據支持等功能)的人尤其有用。基礎概念、數據庫建模語言、SQL實現和規範化過程的章節為那些剛進入數據庫設計領域的讀者打下了堅實的基礎。更高級的章節則通過處理SQL Server提供的最新物理實現功能,為經驗豐富的專業人士提供幫助。本書已經經過精心修訂,涵蓋了SQL Server 2019中所有與設計相關的新功能。
Louis Davidson在企業數據庫開發和架構方面已經工作了超過20年。他已經連續15年成為Microsoft MVP。他完成了他的SQL Server數據庫設計書的第六版(Apress)。Louis在過去的17年中在許多會議上積極演講有關數據庫設計和實施,包括SQL PASS、SQL Rally、SQL Saturday活動、CA World、Music City Data和devLink技術會議。Louis在基督教廣播網(CBN)工作了超過21年,擔任開發人員、數據庫管理員和數據架構師。他在田納西州查塔努加大學獲得了計算機科學學士學位。更多信息,請訪問他的網站。