Beginning Unreal Engine 4 Blueprints Visual Scripting: Using C++: From Beginner to Pro (從初學者到專家:Unreal Engine 4 藍圖視覺腳本與 C++ 的入門指南)
Pv, Satheesh
Discover how Unreal Engine 4 allows you to create exciting games using C++ and Blueprints. This book starts with installing, launching, and examining the details of Unreal Engine.
Next, you will learn about Blueprints and C++ and how to leverage them. The following chapters talk in detail about gameplay, basic physics, and ray-casting for game development in Unreal Engine. Furthermore, you'll create material, meshes, and textures.
The last chapter brings all the concepts together by building a demo game. By the end of the book, you'll be equipped with the know-how and techniques needed to develop and deploy your very own game in Unreal Engine.
What You Will Learn
- Discover Blueprints and how to apply them in Unreal Engine 4
- Get started with C++ programming in Unreal Engine 4
- Apply the concepts of physics and ray-casting
- Work with the Gameplay Framework
Who This Book Is For
Beginners interested in learning Blueprints visual scripting and C++ for programming games in Unreal Engine 4 would find this book useful.
了解如何使用C++和藍圖在Unreal Engine 4中創建令人興奮的遊戲。本書從安裝、啟動和檢查Unreal Engine的細節開始。
接下來,您將學習有關藍圖和C++以及如何利用它們的知識。下一章將詳細介紹在Unreal Engine中進行遊戲開發的遊戲玩法、基本物理和射線投射。此外,您還將創建材料、網格和紋理。
最後一章通過構建演示遊戲將所有概念結合在一起。通過本書,您將掌握在Unreal Engine中開發和部署自己的遊戲所需的知識和技巧。
- 了解藍圖以及如何在Unreal Engine 4中應用它們
- 開始使用C++編程在Unreal Engine 4中
- 應用物理和射線投射的概念
- 使用遊戲玩法框架進行工作
本書適合對學習藍圖視覺腳本和C++編程Unreal Engine 4中的遊戲開發感興趣的初學者。
Satheesh Pv 是一位居住在印度孟買的遊戲程式設計師。他於2012年開始他的遊戲開發生涯,與他的兄弟和密友使用虛幻開發套件創作了一款第一人稱多人遊戲,並創建了Unreal X-Editor,這是一個為UnrealScript(虛幻引擎3的本地腳本語言)開發的集成開發環境。在Unreal Engine 4公開發布之前,他被Epic Games選為封閉測試的一員。他還是Unreal Engine論壇的版主,並且是一位傑出成員和引擎貢獻者。