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$1,617Deep Learning (Hardcover)
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Get a novel perspective on Linux containers and understand the world of virtualization. This book takes you down the rabbit hole to discover what lies below the API. You'll go on a journey of virtualization and see how containers are realized in the Linux world. Linux Containers and Virtualization details the data structures within the Linux kernel which make up Linux containers.
You will start with the fundamentals of virtualization including how different resources such as memory, CPU, network, and storage are virtualized. Then you will move on to hypervisors and virtualization using the Kernel virtual Machine (KVM) and Quick Emulator (QEMU). Next, you will learn about Linux namespace, cgroups, and layered file systems, which are the essential building blocks of Linux containers. The explanation traverses the Linux kernel codebase to show how these are realized in the Linux kernel. In the final chapter, you will code your own container by applying the concepts learnt in the previous chapters.
On completion of the book, you will have the knowledge to start coding a Linux container.
What You Will Learn
- Understand the basics of virtualization
- Discover how the Linux kernel supports virtualization
- See how the evolution of the Linux kernel and CPUs led to the creation of containerization technologies
- Develop the ability to create your own container framework
Who This Book Is For
Developers working on virtualized software deployment and containers. Architects designing platforms based on a container runtime as well as DevOps professionals who want to get a microscopic view on how containers and virtualization work would find the book useful.
獲得對 Linux 容器的新穎視角,並了解虛擬化的世界。本書將帶您深入探索 API 之下的內容。您將展開一段虛擬化的旅程,了解容器在 Linux 世界中的實現。Linux Containers and Virtualization 詳細介紹了構成 Linux 容器的 Linux 核心內部數據結構。
您將從虛擬化的基本原理開始,包括如何虛擬化不同的資源,如記憶體、CPU、網絡和存儲。接著,您將學習使用 Kernel Virtual Machine (KVM) 和 Quick Emulator (QEMU) 的虛擬機監控器和虛擬化技術。然後,您將了解 Linux 命名空間、cgroups 和分層檔案系統,這些都是 Linux 容器的基本構建塊。解釋將穿越 Linux 核心的代碼庫,以展示這些是如何在 Linux 核心中實現的。在最後一章中,您將通過應用前幾章學到的概念來編寫自己的容器。
完成本書後,您將具備開始編寫 Linux 容器的知識。
- 了解虛擬化的基本概念
- 發現 Linux 核心如何支持虛擬化
- 了解 Linux 核心和 CPU 的演變如何導致容器化技術的創造
- 培養創建您自己的容器框架的能力
本書適合從事虛擬化軟體部署和容器的開發人員。設計基於容器運行時的平台的架構師,以及希望深入了解容器和虛擬化工作原理的 DevOps 專業人士,將會發現本書非常有用。
Shashank Mohan Jain has been working in the IT industry for around 20 years mainly in the areas of cloud computing and distributed systems. He has keen interests in virtualization techniques, security, and complex systems. Shashank has 25 software patents (many yet to be published) to his name in the area of cloud computing, IoT, and machine learning. He is a speaker at multiple reputed cloud conferences. Shashank holds Sun, Microsoft, and Linux kernel certifications.
Shashank Mohan Jain 在資訊科技產業工作了約 20 年,主要專注於雲端運算和分散式系統。他對虛擬化技術、安全性和複雜系統有濃厚的興趣。Shashank 在雲端運算、物聯網 (IoT) 和機器學習領域擁有 25 項軟體專利(許多尚未公開)。他是多個知名雲端會議的演講者。Shashank 擁有 Sun、Microsoft 和 Linux 核心的認證。