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Practical Entity Framework begins with a simple overview of the two most common approaches to working with databases--database first and code first--and then focuses on working in a code first manner. Taking the code first approach allows the entire database to be built and maintained in code so there is never a situation in which you cannot restore the database schema. Additionally, the code first approach creates an entirely transparent record of changes to the database that is easily tracked in source control. Emphasis throughout the book is on leaving you well positioned to architect and lead data development efforts for your organization.
What You Will Learn
- Build robust and maintainable databases using a code first approach
- Create and execute stored procedures, triggers, and functions
- Analyze and optimize performance of database queries
- Ensure data integrity through keys, constraints, and relationships
Who This Book Is For
.NET developers who work with enterprise-level applications and need to interact with data structures and data within the back end data store, developers who want to take a code first approach to building database applications to prevent conflicts and optimize efficiency, and those who are moving into full-stack roles, or into senior and architectural roles, and will be responsible for database design and implementation
本書將幫助您在使用.NET Framework、尤其是.NET Framework Core 3.1及更高版本的企業應用程式中,選擇適合的物件關聯映射器(ORM)。書中提供了真實世界的例子和考慮因素,以幫助您建立強大且高效的資料庫解決方案。在全書中,我們提供了實際問題、疑問和常見陷阱,以幫助您在不同的應用場景中識別出最佳解決方案,以取得最大的成功。
《實用的Entity Framework》首先簡要概述了兩種最常見的與資料庫互動的方法:資料庫優先和程式碼優先,然後專注於程式碼優先的方式。採用程式碼優先的方法可以在程式碼中建立和維護整個資料庫,因此您永遠不會遇到無法還原資料庫結構的情況。此外,程式碼優先的方法可以在源代碼控制中輕鬆跟踪資料庫的變更。全書強調讓您具備良好的架構和領導數據開發工作的能力。
Brian Gorman 是一位開發人員、計算機科學講師和培訓師,並且在 .NET 技術領域工作已有很長時間。他最初在 .NET 1 中獲得了 MCSD 認證,最近又通過了 MCSA: Web Apps 和 MCSD: App Builder 認證重新認證。此外,他於2019年4月成為了MCT,並專注於使用 .NET Core 和 Azure 開發和培訓全棧網絡解決方案的開發人員。除了使用 .NET 技術外,Brian 還在 Franklin University 教授計算機科學,他教授的課程包括數據結構、算法、設計模式,以及最近的全棧解決方案在實踐課程中的應用。