C++20 Quick Syntax Reference: A Pocket Guide to the Language, Apis, and Library (C++20 快速語法參考手冊:語言、API 與函式庫的口袋指南)
Olsson, Mikael
This quick C++ 20 guide is a condensed code and syntax reference to the popular programming language, fully updated for C++20. It presents the essential C++20 code syntax in a well-organized format that can be used as a handy reference.
This edition covers topics including designated initializers, lambdas and lambda captures, the spaceship operator, pack expressions, string literals as template parameters, atomic smart pointers, and contracts. It also covers library changes including extended futures, latches and barriers, task blocks, and text formatting.
In the C++20 Quick Syntax Reference, you will find short, simple, and focused code examples. This book includes a well-laid-out table of contents and a comprehensive index allowing for easy review. You won't find any technical jargon, bloated samples, drawn out history lessons, or witty stories in this book. What you will find is a language reference that is concise, to the point, and highly accessible. The book is packed with useful information and is a must-have for any C++ programmer.
What You'll Learn
- Discover the key C++20 features
- Work with concepts, feature test macros, bit-casting, conditional explicit modifiers, constexpr virtual functions, ranges, concept terse syntax, constexpr libs, and the revised memory model Use coroutines, modules, improved structured bindings, and more
- Take advantage of transactional memory
Who This Book Is For
Experienced C++ programmers. Additionally, this is a concise, easily-digested introduction for other programmers new to C++.
這本《C++20 快速語法參考》是一本簡明的程式碼和語法參考書,針對流行的程式語言 C++ 进行了全面更新,以 C++20 為基礎。它以井然有序的格式呈現了 C++20 的基本程式碼語法,可作為方便的參考工具。
本書涵蓋的主題包括指定初始化器、lambda 函式和 lambda 捕獲、太空船運算子、pack 運算式、字串文字作為模板參數、原子智能指標和契約。它還介紹了庫的變化,包括擴展的 futures、閘門和屏障、任務區塊和文本格式化。
在《C++20 快速語法參考》中,您將找到簡短、簡單且重點突出的程式碼示例。本書包含了清晰的目錄和全面的索引,方便查閱。本書不含任何技術術語、冗長的示例、冗長的歷史課程或風趣的故事。您將找到一本簡潔、直接且易於理解的語言參考書。本書充滿了有用的信息,是任何 C++ 程式設計師必備的工具。
《C++20 快速語法參考》將幫助您:
- 探索關鍵的 C++20 功能
- 使用概念、功能測試宏、位轉換、條件顯式修飾符、constexpr 虛函式、範圍、簡潔概念語法、constexpr 函式庫和修訂的記憶體模型
- 使用協程、模組、改進的結構化綁定等功能
- 充分利用事務性記憶體
本書適合有經驗的 C++ 程式設計師閱讀。此外,對於其他初學 C++ 的程式設計師來說,這是一本簡明易懂的入門書籍。
Mikael Olsson是一位專業的網路企業家、程式設計師和作家。他在芬蘭的一家研發公司工作,專注於軟體開發。在他的空閒時間,他撰寫書籍並創建網站,總結各個領域的興趣。他所寫的書籍專注於以最有效的方式教授主題,僅解釋相關且實用的內容,避免不必要的重複或理論。