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Discover everything you need to know about C++ in a logical progression of small lessons that you can work through as quickly or as slowly as you need. This book divides C++ up into bite-sized chunks that will help you learn the language one step at a time. Fully updated to include C++20, it assumes no familiarity with C++ or any other C-based language.
Exploring C++20 acknowledges that C++ can be a complicated language, so rather than baffle you with complex chapters explaining functions, classes, and statements in isolation you'll focus on how to achieve results. By learning a little bit of this and a little of that you'll soon have amassed enough knowledge to be writing non-trivial programs and will have built a solid foundation of experience that puts those previously baffling concepts into context.
In this fully-revised third edition of Exploring C++, you'll learn how to use the standard library early in the book. Next, you'll work with operators, objects, and data-sources in increasingly realistic situations. Finally, you'll start putting the pieces together to create sophisticated programs of your own design confident that you've built a firm base of experience from which to grow.
What You Will Learn
- Grasp the basics, including compound statements, modules, and more Work with custom types and see how to use them
- Write useful algorithms, functions, and more
- Discover the latest C++ 20 features, including concepts, modules, and ranges
- Apply your skills to projects that include a fixed-point numbers and body-mass index applications Carry out generic programming and apply it in a practical project
- Exploit multiple inheritance, traits/policies, overloaded functions, and metaprogramming
Who This Book Is For
Experienced programmers who may have little or no experience with C++ who want an accelerated learning guide to C++20 so they can hit the ground running.
發現有關 C++ 的所有知識,透過一系列邏輯進行的小課程,您可以根據需要快速或緩慢地進行學習。本書將 C++ 分成易於消化的小部分,幫助您逐步學習這門語言。本書已全面更新以包含 C++20,並假設讀者對 C++ 或任何其他基於 C 的語言沒有任何熟悉度。
《探索 C++20》承認 C++ 可能是一門複雜的語言,因此不會用複雜的章節來困惑您,這些章節單獨解釋函數、類別和語句,而是專注於如何達成結果。透過學習這一點和那一點,您將很快積累足夠的知識來編寫非平凡的程式,並建立一個堅實的經驗基礎,將那些以前令人困惑的概念放入上下文中。
在這本《探索 C++》的全面修訂第三版中,您將在書的早期學習如何使用標準庫。接下來,您將在越來越真實的情境中使用運算符、物件和資料來源。最後,您將開始將各個部分組合在一起,創建您自己設計的複雜程式,並自信地認識到您已經建立了堅實的經驗基礎,從中成長。
- 掌握基礎知識,包括複合語句、模組等
- 使用自定義類型並了解如何使用它們
- 編寫有用的演算法、函數等
- 發現最新的 C++ 20 特性,包括概念、模組和範圍
- 將您的技能應用於包括定點數和身體質量指數應用的專案
- 執行泛型程式設計並在實際專案中應用
- 利用多重繼承、特徵/政策、重載函數和元程式設計
有經驗的程式設計師,可能對 C++ 幾乎沒有或完全沒有經驗,想要一個加速學習 C++20 的指南,以便能夠迅速上手。
Ray Lischner 擁有加州理工學院的計算機科學學士學位以及俄勒岡州立大學的計算機科學碩士學位。他在美國的大型和小型公司擔任了十多年的軟體開發人員,使用 PL/I、C、C++、Delphi、Smalltalk 以及各種組合語言,涉及大型和小型系統。他在過去十年中以顧問、培訓師和作者的身份自僱。Ray 在俄勒岡州立大學教授計算機科學多年,專注於教授入門計算機程式設計。他教授 C 和 C++ 以及軟體工程的課程。