Oracle Database Application Security: With Oracle Internet Directory, Oracle Access Manager, and Oracle Identity Manager
暫譯: Oracle 資料庫應用程式安全性:使用 Oracle Internet Directory、Oracle Access Manager 和 Oracle Identity Manager
Mustafa, Osama, Lockard, Robert P.
Shifting focus to coding, you will take a look at secure coding standards, multi-schema database models, code-based access control, and SQL injection. Finally, you'll cover single sign-on (SSO), and will be introduced to Oracle Internet Directory (OID), Oracle Access Manager (OAM), and Oracle Identity Management (OIM) by installing and configuring them to meet your needs.
Oracle databases hold the majority of the world's relational data, and are attractive targets for attackers seeking high-value targets for data theft. Compromise of a single Oracle Database can result in tens of millions of breached records costing millions in breach-mitigation activity. This book gets you ready to avoid that nightmare scenario.
What You Will Learn
- Work with Oracle Internet Directory using the command-line and the console
- Integrate Oracle Access Manager with different applications
- Work with the Oracle Identity Manager console and connectors, while creating your own custom one
- Troubleshooting issues with OID, OAM, and OID
- Dive deep into file system and network security concepts
Who This Book Is For
Oracle DBAs and developers. Readers will need a basic understanding of Oracle RDBMS and Oracle Application Server to take complete advantage of this book.
專注於設計、建構和維護安全的 Oracle Database 應用程式的安全性方面。從資料加密開始,您將學習如何處理透明資料、備份和網路。接著,您將了解審計的關鍵原則,進一步認識身份保護、政策和細粒度審計。接下來,您將設置和配置虛擬私人資料庫(VPD),使其與 Oracle 中的其他安全功能協同工作,並提供有關管理配置漂移、配置檔和預設使用者的建議。
轉向編碼,您將查看安全編碼標準、多架構資料庫模型、基於代碼的存取控制和 SQL 注入。最後,您將涵蓋單一登入(SSO),並通過安裝和配置 Oracle Internet Directory(OID)、Oracle Access Manager(OAM)和 Oracle Identity Management(OIM)來滿足您的需求。
Oracle 資料庫擁有世界上大多數的關聯資料,對於尋求高價值資料竊取目標的攻擊者來說,這些資料庫是吸引人的目標。單一 Oracle Database 的妥協可能導致數千萬條被洩露的記錄,並造成數百萬的違規緩解活動成本。本書將幫助您避免這種噩夢情境。
- 使用命令列和控制台操作 Oracle Internet Directory
- 將 Oracle Access Manager 與不同應用程式整合
- 使用 Oracle Identity Manager 控制台和連接器,同時創建您自己的自定義連接器
- 排除 OID、OAM 和 OID 的問題
- 深入探討檔案系統和網路安全概念
Oracle DBA 和開發人員。讀者需要對 Oracle RDBMS 和 Oracle Application Server 有基本的了解,以充分利用本書的內容。
Robert P. Lockard is an Oracle ACE Director, a professional Oracle DBA, designer, developer, and project manager with more than three decades of experience. For the past twenty years he has worked as an independent consultant providing quality services to his customers at a reasonable price. Robert has worked in financial intelligence tracking money laundering, terrorist money, and identity theft. He has also worked in the cyber crimes arena tracking attacks on information systems. He specializes in evaluating and securing your Oracle database environment from threats both external and internal.
奧薩馬·穆斯塔法(Osama Mustafa)是一位資料庫專家,擁有Oracle ACE Director資格,並且是認證的Oracle專業人員(10g、11g)、認證的道德駭客及Sun系統管理員。奧薩馬目前在中東擔任Oracle講師。他還從事資料庫專案的故障排除和實施工作。他在空閒時間活躍於Oracle OTN論壇,並在他的部落格上發表了許多文章,包括Oracle資料庫相關的文章。
羅伯特·P·洛卡德(Robert P. Lockard)是Oracle ACE Director,專業的Oracle資料庫管理員(DBA)、設計師、開發人員及專案經理,擁有超過三十年的經驗。在過去的二十年中,他作為獨立顧問,為客戶提供合理價格的高品質服務。羅伯特曾在金融情報領域追蹤洗錢、恐怖分子的資金及身份盜竊。他也曾在網路犯罪領域追蹤對資訊系統的攻擊。他專注於評估和保護您的Oracle資料庫環境,防範外部和內部的威脅。