Applied Reinforcement Learning with Python: With Openai Gym, Tensorflow, and Keras

Beysolow II, Taweh





Delve into the world of reinforcement learning algorithms and apply them to different use-cases via Python. This book covers important topics such as policy gradients and Q learning, and utilizes frameworks such as Tensorflow, Keras, and OpenAI Gym.


Applied Reinforcement Learning with Python introduces you to the theory behind reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms and the code that will be used to implement them. You will take a guided tour through features of OpenAI Gym, from utilizing standard libraries to creating your own environments, then discover how to frame reinforcement learning problems so you can research, develop, and deploy RL-based solutions.



What You'll Learn


  • Implement reinforcement learning with Python
  • Work with AI frameworks such as OpenAI Gym, Tensorflow, and Keras
  • Deploy and train reinforcement learning-based solutions via cloud resources
  • Apply practical applications of reinforcement learning











Who This Book Is For

Data scientists, machine learning engineers and software engineers familiar with machine learning and deep learning concepts.



深入探索強化學習演算法的世界,並通過Python將其應用於不同的用例。本書涵蓋了重要的主題,如策略梯度和Q學習,並利用了Tensorflow、Keras和OpenAI Gym等框架。

《應用Python進行強化學習》將向您介紹強化學習(RL)演算法背後的理論以及將用於實現它們的程式碼。您將通過OpenAI Gym的功能進行導覽,從使用標準庫到創建自己的環境,然後發現如何構建強化學習問題,以便進行研究、開發和部署基於RL的解決方案。

《應用Python進行強化學習》將向您介紹強化學習(RL)演算法背後的理論以及將用於實現它們的程式碼。您將通過OpenAI Gym的功能進行導覽,從使用標準庫到創建自己的環境,然後發現如何構建強化學習問題,以便進行研究、開發和部署基於RL的解決方案。


- 使用Python實現強化學習
- 使用OpenAI Gym、Tensorflow和Keras等AI框架
- 通過雲資源部署和訓練基於強化學習的解決方案
- 應用強化學習的實際應用


- 熟悉機器學習和深度學習概念的數據科學家、機器學習工程師和軟體工程師。


Taweh Beysolow II is a data scientist and author currently based in the United States. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in economics from St. Johns University and a Master of Science in Applied Statistics from Fordham University. After successfully exiting the startup he co-founded, he now is a Director at Industry Capital, a San Francisco based Private Equity firm, where he helps lead the Cryptocurrency and Blockchain platforms.


Taweh Beysolow II是一位數據科學家和作家,目前居住在美國。他擁有聖約翰大學經濟學學士學位和福特漢姆大學應用統計學碩士學位。在成功退出他共同創辦的初創公司後,他現在是位於舊金山的私募股權公司Industry Capital的董事,協助領導加密貨幣和區塊鏈平台。