Introducing Delphi Orm: Object Relational Mapping Using Tms Aurelius (介紹 Delphi ORM:使用 TMS Aurelius 的物件關聯對映)
Kouraklis, John
Discover the fundamental concepts of object-relational mapping (ORM) design, Aurelius' basic features, and the practical applications of those features. In a series of tasks, you will be exposed to techniques and best practices that make the use of Aurelius easy and efficient. Furthermore, you'll refine your analytical skills to sharpen your understanding of Delphi (Pascal), helping you write better code along the way.
Introducing Delphi ORM explains that while database design is difficult, database programming (i.e., manipulating, extracting, filtering, and manipulating data) is even more difficult. ORM frameworks provide a simpler way for you to access and manage data in databases. You'll see how they offer different levels of abstraction and tools to code data access in a database-agnostic way by introducing a layer between the application and the data access language (SQL, LINQ, and so on).
By the end of the book, you will be confident in using a wide range of Aurelius features to allow you to get started with databases in a very short space of time.
What You Will Learn
- Gain the fundamentals of ORM frameworks and Aurelius for Delphi
- Achieve basic tasks, such as connecting to the database and adding, deleting, and updating records, using Aurelius
- Employ advanced database queries
- Use the TAureliusDataSet component
- Integrate with mobile platforms such as Android and iOS
- Work with the data modeler application
Who This Book Is For
Software developers starting with Aurelius or those who have some exposure to the framework.
《介紹Delphi ORM》解釋了雖然數據庫設計很困難,但數據庫編程(即操作、提取、過濾和操作數據)更加困難。ORM框架為您提供了一種更簡單的方式來訪問和管理數據庫中的數據。您將看到它們提供不同層次的抽象和工具,以便以與數據庫無關的方式編寫數據訪問代碼,通過在應用程序和數據訪問語言(SQL、LINQ等)之間引入一個層次。
- 獲得ORM框架和Aurelius在Delphi中的基礎知識
- 使用Aurelius執行基本任務,例如連接到數據庫以及添加、刪除和更新記錄
- 使用高級數據庫查詢
- 使用TAureliusDataSet組件
- 與Android和iOS等移動平台集成
- 使用數據建模工具
John Kouraklis started exploring computers when he was 16 and since then has followed all the way from Turbo Pascal to Delphi and Delphi Tokyo versions as a hobby initially and as a profession for most of his adult life. He has developed a wide range of applications, from financial software to reverse engineering tools, including an application for professional gamblers. He is, also, the author of the book MVVM in Delphi by Apress
John Kouraklis 在16歲時開始探索電腦,從 Turbo Pascal 到 Delphi 和 Delphi Tokyo 版本,一開始是作為興趣,後來成為他成年生活中的職業。他開發了各種應用程式,從金融軟體到逆向工程工具,包括一個專為專業賭徒設計的應用程式。他也是 Apress 出版的書籍《MVVM in Delphi》的作者。