Python for Teenagers: Learn to Program Like a Superhero!
暫譯: 青少年學習 Python:像超級英雄一樣編程!

Payne, James R.


Discover everything you need to know about Python to turn your passion of programming into a job you'll love. Fueled by fun and practical examples, this book gives high schoolers who want learn an easy programming language ideas for how to leverage them in the workforce.
Start with the basics and before you know it, you'll be building your own web sites, doing white-hat hacking, finding code bugs and errors, and creating games, including using Python to roll characters for RPGs. Every chapter is relaxed and informal, like learning with a cool teacher all the time.

Computers, phones and the web are your playground, and you'll be ready to join the party with your own content. Going beyond posts and uploads means learning to program, and Python is a great choice to get started. It's quick to learn, it's flexible, and if you want, it may get you a Python job that pays more than minimum wage when you're out of school. Python for Teenagers is the most fun you'll have while learning.
What You'll Learn

  • Review programming basics - you gotta start somewhere
  • Code applications that follow directions and make decisions
  • Understand Classes and objects - when a program is a child
  • Make games with graphics and animation

Who This Book Is For

High schoolers who want learn an easy programming language.



發現你需要了解的所有有關 Python 的知識,將你對程式設計的熱情轉化為你會喜愛的工作。本書以有趣且實用的範例為基礎,為希望學習簡單程式語言的高中生提供了如何在職場中運用這些技能的想法。

從基礎開始,不久之後,你將能夠建立自己的網站、進行白帽駭客行為、尋找程式碼中的錯誤和漏洞,並創建遊戲,包括使用 Python 為角色扮演遊戲 (RPG) 擲骰子。每一章都是輕鬆且非正式的,就像一直在和一位酷老師學習。

電腦、手機和網路是你的遊樂場,你將準備好用自己的內容加入這場派對。超越發文和上傳意味著學習程式設計,而 Python 是開始的絕佳選擇。它學習快速、靈活,如果你願意,當你畢業後,它可能會讓你獲得一份薪水高於最低工資的 Python 工作。Python for Teenagers 是你在學習過程中最有趣的時光。


  • 回顧程式設計基礎 - 你必須從某個地方開始

  • 編寫遵循指令並做出決策的應用程式

  • 理解類別和物件 - 當一個程式是子類時

  • 製作具有圖形和動畫的遊戲





James R. Payne was introduced to programming when he was just 10 years old. He started off hacking text-based games like Lemonade Stand to gain an advantage while playing and soon started creating his own text-based Role-Playing Games in the style of Dungeons and Dragons and inspired by his favorite comic books. The enjoyment of those early days stuck with him, and he continues to be drawn back into the programming world throughout his career.
Payne is the former Editor-in-Chief/Community Manager of Developer Shed, an online publication and community consisting of 14 websites and forums dedicated to programming, web development, and Internet Marketing. He's written over a thousand articles on coding and marketing, covering virtually every language and platform available. His first book, Beginning Python (Wrox Press) was published in 2010. In addition, he has published over 2,000 articles covering topics ranging from gaming to aerospace/aeronautics, and also writes adult horror and young adult fantasy books.
Payne decided to write this book to pass on his love of development in the hopes that it would inspire future generations to code.


詹姆斯·R·佩恩(James R. Payne)在10歲時首次接觸程式設計。他最初開始破解文字遊戲,如檸檬水攤(Lemonade Stand),以在遊玩時獲得優勢,並很快開始創建自己的文字角色扮演遊戲,靈感來自於《龍與地下城》(Dungeons and Dragons)和他最喜愛的漫畫書。這些早期的樂趣一直伴隨著他,並在他的職業生涯中不斷吸引他重返程式設計的世界。

佩恩曾擔任Developer Shed的主編/社群經理,這是一個由14個網站和論壇組成的在線出版物和社群,專注於程式設計、網頁開發和網路行銷。他撰寫了超過一千篇有關編碼和行銷的文章,涵蓋幾乎所有可用的語言和平台。他的第一本書《Beginning Python》(Wrox Press)於2010年出版。此外,他還發表了超過2000篇文章,涵蓋從遊戲到航空航天的主題,並且還撰寫成人恐怖和青少年奇幻小說。
