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Explore and apply best practices for efficient application deployment. This book draws upon author Moshe Zadka's years of Dev Ops experience and focuses on the parts of Python, and the Python ecosystem, that are relevant for DevOps engineers.
You'll start by writing command-line scripts and automating simple DevOps-style tasks. You'll then move on to more advanced cases, like using Jupyter as an auditable remote-control panel, and writing Ansible and Salt extensions. This work also covers how to use the AWS API to manage cloud infrastructure, and how to manage Python programs and environments on remote machines.
Python was invented as a systems management language for distributed operating systems, which makes it an ideal tool for DevOps. Assuming a basic understanding of Python concepts, this book is perfect for engineers who want to move from operations/system administration into coding.
What You'll Learn
- Use third party packages and create new packages
- Create operating system management and automation code in Python
- Write testable code, and testing best practices
- Work with REST APIs for web clients
Who This Book Is For
Junior or intermediate sysadmin who has picked up some bash and Python basics.
探索並應用高效應用程式部署的最佳實踐。本書基於作者 Moshe Zadka 多年的 DevOps 經驗,專注於與 DevOps 工程師相關的 Python 及其生態系統部分。
您將從編寫命令列腳本和自動化簡單的 DevOps 風格任務開始。接著,您將進入更高級的案例,例如使用 Jupyter 作為可審計的遠端控制面板,以及編寫 Ansible 和 Salt 擴展。本書還涵蓋如何使用 AWS API 來管理雲基礎設施,以及如何在遠端機器上管理 Python 程式和環境。
Python 是作為分散式作業系統的系統管理語言而發明的,這使它成為 DevOps 的理想工具。本書假設讀者對 Python 概念有基本了解,非常適合希望從運營/系統管理轉向編碼的工程師。
- 使用第三方套件並創建新套件
- 在 Python 中創建作業系統管理和自動化代碼
- 編寫可測試的代碼及測試最佳實踐
- 使用 REST API 進行網頁客戶端的操作
具備一些 bash 和 Python 基礎的初級或中級系統管理員。
Moshe Zadka has been part of the open source community since 1995 and has been involved with DevOps since before the term became mainstream. One of two collaborators in the Facebook bootcamp Python class, he made his first core Python contributions in 1998, and is a founding member of the Twisted open source project. He has also given tutorials and talks at several recent PyCon conferences and contributed to Expert Twisted (Apress, 2019).
ted at "Production Engineers," which is what Facebook calls DevOps. Moshe has been part of the open source community since 1995, made his first core Python contributions in 1998 and is a founding member of the Twisted open source project. He has given tutorials or talks at several recent PyCon conferences and contributed to Expert Twisted (Apress, 2019)
ted at "Production Engineers," which is what Facebook calls DevOps. Moshe has been part of the open source community since 1995, made his first core Python contributions in 1998 and is a founding member of the Twisted open source project. He has given tutorials or talks at several recent PyCon conferences and contributed to Expert Twisted (Apress, 2019)
ted at "Production Engineers," which is what Facebook calls DevOps. Moshe has been part of the open source community since 1995, made his first core Python contributions in 1998 and is a founding member of the Twisted open source project. He has given tutorials or talks at several recent PyCon conferences and contributed to Expert Twisted (Apress, 2019)
ted at "Production Engineers," which is what Facebook calls DevOps. Moshe has been part of the open source community since 1995, made his first core Python contributions in 1998 and is a founding member of the Twisted open source project. He has given tutorials or talks at several recent PyCon conferences and contributed to Expert Twisted (Apress, 2019)
ted at "Production Engineers," which is what Facebook calls DevOps. Moshe has been part of the open source community since 1995, made his first core Python contributions in 1998 and is a founding member of the Twisted open source project. He has given tutorials or talks at several recent PyCon conferences and contributed to Expert Twisted (Apress, 2019)
ted at "Production Engineers," which is what Facebook calls DevOps. Moshe has been part of the open source community since 1995, made his first core Python contributions in 1998 and is a founding member of the Twisted open source project. He has given tutorials or talks at several recent PyCon conferences and contributed to Expert Twisted (Apress, 2019)
Moshe Zadka 自 1995 年以來一直是開源社群的一部分,並且在 DevOps 成為主流之前就已經參與其中。他是 Facebook bootcamp Python 課程的兩位合作者之一,於 1998 年首次對核心 Python 進行貢獻,並且是 Twisted 開源專案的創始成員。他還在最近的幾次 PyCon 會議上提供了教程和演講,並對《Expert Twisted》(Apress, 2019)做出了貢獻。