Beginning Functional JavaScript: Uncover the Concepts of Functional Programming with EcmaScript 8, 2/e
暫譯: 初學者的函數式 JavaScript:揭示 EcmaScript 8 的函數式編程概念,第二版

Anto Aravinth

  • Beginning Functional JavaScript: Uncover the Concepts of Functional Programming with EcmaScript 8, 2/e-preview-1
  • Beginning Functional JavaScript: Uncover the Concepts of Functional Programming with EcmaScript 8, 2/e-preview-2
  • Beginning Functional JavaScript: Uncover the Concepts of Functional Programming with EcmaScript 8, 2/e-preview-3
  • Beginning Functional JavaScript: Uncover the Concepts of Functional Programming with EcmaScript 8, 2/e-preview-4
  • Beginning Functional JavaScript: Uncover the Concepts of Functional Programming with EcmaScript 8, 2/e-preview-5
  • Beginning Functional JavaScript: Uncover the Concepts of Functional Programming with EcmaScript 8, 2/e-preview-6
  • Beginning Functional JavaScript: Uncover the Concepts of Functional Programming with EcmaScript 8, 2/e-preview-7
  • Beginning Functional JavaScript: Uncover the Concepts of Functional Programming with EcmaScript 8, 2/e-preview-8
Beginning Functional JavaScript: Uncover the Concepts of Functional Programming with EcmaScript 8, 2/e-preview-1




Understand functional programming concepts and the functional nature of the JavaScript language. Starting with an introduction to functional programming concepts, you will learn the key differences between imperative and functional programming. Diving straight into JavaScript functions, you will learn to write them with ES8. Followed by this you will move to higher order functions and learn how 'Function as Data' opens up a world of possibilities. 

You will then build higher order functions with closures. Arrays will then be introduced, followed by a set of APIs you can use with them. You will learn how to transform one function to another using currying and partial application. The compose function will be discussed in detail, followed by functors and monads. After having an in-depth look at applicative functors, you will learn the new features offered in ES8. 

The concluding chapters of Beginning Functional JavaScript will show you how to use a functional toolkit to build a small library that allows you to develop web applications, followed by tips on testing your functional code.

What You Will Learn   


  • Discover functional programming concepts such as string padding and async functions
  • Identify how functions are treated in JavaScript
  • Create a functional library that mimics Underscore.JS
  • Deep dive into ES8 functional features such as spread operators and generators
  • Create a library that works like the react-redux pattern by following the functional paradigm


Who This Book Is For

Novice JavaScript developers.



了解函數式程式設計的概念以及 JavaScript 語言的函數特性。從函數式程式設計概念的介紹開始,您將學習命令式程式設計與函數式程式設計之間的主要差異。直接深入 JavaScript 函數,您將學會使用 ES8 編寫函數。接下來,您將學習高階函數,並了解「函數作為資料(Function as Data)」如何開啟無限的可能性。

然後,您將使用閉包來構建高階函數。接著將介紹陣列,並提供一組可以與之搭配使用的 API。您將學習如何使用柯里化(currying)和部分應用(partial application)將一個函數轉換為另一個函數。將詳細討論 compose 函數,然後介紹函子(functors)和單子(monads)。在深入了解應用函子(applicative functors)之後,您將學習 ES8 中提供的新特性。

Beginning Functional JavaScript 的結尾章節將向您展示如何使用函數式工具包構建一個小型庫,讓您能夠開發網頁應用程式,並提供測試函數式程式碼的技巧。



  • 發現函數式程式設計的概念,例如字串填充和非同步函數

  • 識別 JavaScript 中函數的處理方式

  • 創建一個模仿 Underscore.JS 的函數庫

  • 深入探討 ES8 的函數特性,例如展開運算子和生成器

  • 創建一個遵循函數式範式的庫,類似於 react-redux 模式



初學者 JavaScript 開發者。