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There are plenty of books focusing on big data and using data analytics to improve websites, or on utilizing usability testing and UX research methods for improvement. This is the first book that combines both subjects into a methodology you can use over and over again to improve any website.
UX Optimization is ideal for anyone who wants to combine the power of quantitative data with the insights provided by qualitative data to improve website results. The book uses step-by-step instructions with photos, drawings, and supporting screenshots to show you how to: define personas, conduct behavioral UX data analysis, perform UX and usability testing evaluations, and combine behavioral UX and usability data to create a powerful set of optimization recommendations that can dramatically improve any website.
What You’ll Learn
- Understand personas: what they are and how to use them to analyze data
- Use quantitative research tools and techniques for analysis
- Know where to find UX behavioral data and when to use it
- Use qualitative research tools, techniques, and procedures
- Analyze qualitative data to find patterns of consistent task flow errors
- Combine qualitative and quantitative data for a 360-degree view
- Make recommendations for optimizations based on your findings
- Test optimization recommendations to ensure improvements are achieved
Who This Book Is For
Big data analytics (quantitative) professionals who want to learn more about the qualitative side of analysis; UX researchers, usability testers, and UX designers (qualitative professionals) who want to know more about big data and behavioral UX analysis; and students of UX, UX designers, product managers, developers, and those at startups who want to understand how to use behavioral UX and usability testing data to optimize their websites and apps.商品描述(中文翻譯)
將兩個通常分開的數據來源 - 行為量化數據和可用性測試質性數據 - 結合成一個強大的單一工具,通過提高轉化率和投資回報率來改善組織的網站。網站活動的「正在發生的事情」數據與可用性測試的「為什麼它正在發生」數據的結合,提供了一個完整的360度視圖,了解導致性能不佳的原因、網站可以優化的地方以及如何改進。
- 理解人物角色:它們是什麼,以及如何使用它們來分析數據
- 使用量化研究工具和技術進行分析
- 知道在哪裡找到UX行為數據以及何時使用它
- 使用質性研究工具、技術和程序
- 分析質性數據以找到一致的任務流程錯誤模式
- 結合質性和量化數據以獲得360度視圖
- 根據您的發現提出優化建議
- 測試優化建議以確保實現改進
- 想要了解分析的質性方面的大數據分析(量化)專業人士
- 想要了解大數據和行為UX分析的UX研究人員、可用性測試人員和UX設計師(質性專業人士)
- UX、UX設計師、產品經理、開發人員以及希望了解如何使用行為UX和可用性測試數據來優化他們的網站和應用程序的初創公司的學生。