Practical PHP 7, MySQL 8, and MariaDB Website Databases: A Simplified Approach to Developing Database-Driven Websites (實用的 PHP 7、MySQL 8 與 MariaDB 網站資料庫:簡化的資料庫驅動網站開發方法)
Adrian W. West
$480$379 -
$650$553 -
$690$587 -
Build interactive, database-driven websites with PHP 7, MySQL 8, and MariaDB. The focus of this book is on getting you up and running as quickly as possible with real-world applications. In the first two chapters, you will set up your development and testing environment, and then build your first PHP and MariaDB or MySQL database-driven website. You will then increase its sophistication, security, and functionality throughout the course of the book.
The PHP required is taught in context within each project so you can quickly learn how PHP integrates with MariaDB and MySQL to create powerful database-driven websites.
Each project is fully illustrated, so you will see clearly what you are building as you create your own database-driven website. You will build a form for registering users, and then build an interface so that an administrator can view and administer the user database. You will create a message board for users and a method for emailing them. You will also learn the best practices for ensuring that your website databases are secure. Later chapters describe how to create a product catalog, and a simple e-commerce site. You will also discover how to migrate a database to a remote host. The final chapter will demonstrate the advantages of migrating to Oracle's MySQL 8. You will be shown step by step migration directions along with a demonstration of the tools available in SQL Workbench.
Because you are building the interactive pages yourself, you will know exactly how MySQL, MariaDB, and PHP all work together, and you will be able to add database interactivity to your own websites with ease.
What You Will Learn
- Build a secure database-driven website using PHP 7, MySQL 8, and MariaDB
- Create a product catalog
- Write a message board
- Move towards e-commerce
- Employ security and validation measures
- Migrate to Oracle's MySQL 8 Server platform
Who This Book Is For
Web developers with HTML, CSS and a limited Bootstrap experience. Readers need little to no prior experience with PHP and MySQL.
使用 PHP 7、MySQL 8 和 MariaDB 建立互動式的資料庫驅動網站。本書的重點是讓您盡快上手實際應用。在前兩章中,您將建立開發和測試環境,然後建立您的第一個 PHP 和 MariaDB 或 MySQL 資料庫驅動網站。在本書的過程中,您將提升網站的複雜性、安全性和功能。
本書將在每個專案中以上下文方式教授所需的 PHP,讓您能夠快速學習 PHP 如何與 MariaDB 和 MySQL 整合,創建功能強大的資料庫驅動網站。
每個專案都有詳細的圖解,因此您在創建自己的資料庫驅動網站時,清楚地看到正在建立的內容。您將建立一個用於註冊使用者的表單,然後建立一個介面,以便管理員可以查看和管理使用者資料庫。您還將為使用者創建一個留言板和發送電子郵件的方法。您還將學習確保網站資料庫安全的最佳實踐。後面的章節將介紹如何創建產品目錄和簡單的電子商務網站。您還將了解如何將資料庫遷移到遠程主機。最後一章將展示遷移到 Oracle 的 MySQL 8 的優勢。您將逐步了解遷移方向,並演示 SQL Workbench 中可用的工具。
由於您自己構建互動頁面,因此您將完全了解 MySQL、MariaDB 和 PHP 如何協同工作,並能夠輕鬆地將資料庫互動性添加到自己的網站中。
- 使用 PHP 7、MySQL 8 和 MariaDB 建立安全的資料庫驅動網站
- 創建產品目錄
- 撰寫留言板
- 邁向電子商務
- 使用安全性和驗證措施
- 遷移到 Oracle 的 MySQL 8 伺服器平台
本書適合對 HTML、CSS 和有限的 Bootstrap 有經驗的網頁開發人員。讀者對 PHP 和 MySQL 幾乎沒有或沒有先前經驗。