The Definitive Guide to Spring Batch: Modern Finite Batch Processing in the Cloud
暫譯: Spring Batch 完全指南:雲端中的現代有限批次處理

Minella, Michael T.



Work with all aspects of batch processing in a modern Java environment using a selection of Spring frameworks. This book provides up-to-date examples using the latest configuration techniques based on Java configuration and Spring Boot. The Definitive Guide to Spring Batch takes you from the "Hello, World " of batch processing to complex scenarios demonstrating cloud native techniques for developing batch applications to be run on modern platforms. Finally this book demonstrates how you can use areas of the Spring portfolio beyond just Spring Batch 4 to collaboratively develop mission-critical batch processes.

You'll see how a new class of use cases and platforms has evolved to have an impact on batch-processing. Data science and big data have become prominent in modern IT and the use of batch processing to orchestrate workloads has become commonplace. The Definitive Guide to Spring Batch covers how running finite tasks on cloud infrastructure in a standardized way has changed where batch applications are run.

Additionally, you'll discover how Spring Batch 4 takes advantage of Java 9, Spring Framework 5, and the new Spring Boot 2 micro-framework. After reading this book, you'll be able to use Spring Boot to simplify the development of your own Spring projects, as well as take advantage of Spring Cloud Task and Spring Cloud Data Flow for added cloud native functionality.

Includes a foreword by Dave Syer, Spring Batch project founder.

What You'll Learn

  • Discover what is new in Spring Batch 4
  • Carry out finite batch processing in the cloud using the Spring Batch project
  • Understand the newest configuration techniques based on Java configuration and Spring Boot using practical examples
  • Master batch processing in complex scenarios including in the cloud
  • Develop batch applications to be run on modern platforms
  • Use areas of the Spring portfolio beyond Spring Batch to develop mission-critical batch processes

Who This Book Is For
Experienced Java and Spring coders new to the Spring Batch platform. This definitive book will be useful in allowing even experienced Spring Batch users and developers to maximize the Spring Batch tool.



在現代 Java 環境中,使用多種 Spring 框架處理批次處理的各個方面。本書提供了基於 Java 配置和 Spring Boot 的最新配置技術的最新範例。Spring Batch 的權威指南 帶您從批次處理的「Hello, World」開始,進入複雜的場景,展示用於開發可在現代平台上運行的批次應用程序的雲原生技術。最後,本書展示了如何利用 Spring 產品組合中的其他領域,超越僅僅是 Spring Batch 4,來協作開發關鍵任務的批次處理流程。

您將看到一種新的用例和平台類別如何演變,對批次處理產生影響。數據科學和大數據在現代 IT 中變得突出,使用批次處理來協調工作負載已成為常態。Spring Batch 的權威指南 涵蓋了如何以標準化的方式在雲基礎設施上運行有限任務,這改變了批次應用程序的運行位置。

此外,您將發現 Spring Batch 4 如何利用 Java 9、Spring Framework 5 和新的 Spring Boot 2 微框架。閱讀完本書後,您將能夠使用 Spring Boot 簡化您自己的 Spring 專案的開發,並利用 Spring Cloud Task 和 Spring Cloud Data Flow 來增強雲原生功能。

包括 Spring Batch 專案創始人 Dave Syer 的前言。


  • 了解 Spring Batch 4 中的新功能

  • 使用 Spring Batch 專案在雲中執行有限的批次處理

  • 使用實際範例理解基於 Java 配置和 Spring Boot 的最新配置技術

  • 掌握在複雜場景中(包括雲中)的批次處理

  • 開發可在現代平台上運行的批次應用程序

  • 利用 Spring 產品組合中的其他領域來開發關鍵任務的批次處理流程


對 Spring Batch 平台感興趣的經驗豐富的 Java 和 Spring 程式設計師。本書將對即使是經驗豐富的 Spring Batch 使用者和開發者也能最大化利用 Spring Batch 工具非常有幫助。



Michael T. Minella is a software engineer, teacher, speaker, and author with over 15 years of enterprise development experience. He currently works for Pivotal as the project lead for the Spring Batch and Spring Cloud Task projects. Michael has spoken on a number of java, Spring, and big data topics and is a JavaOne Rockstar. Michael was a member of the expert group for JSR-352 (java batch processing). Michael is the author of Pro Spring Batch from Apress and the popular Refcard JUnit and EasyMock. Outside of the daily grind, Michael enjoys spending time with his family and enjoys woodworking, photography and InfoSec hobbies.


Michael T. Minella 是一位軟體工程師、教師、演講者和作者,擁有超過 15 年的企業開發經驗。他目前在 Pivotal 擔任 Spring Batch 和 Spring Cloud Task 專案的專案負責人。Michael 曾就多個 Java、Spring 和大數據主題發表演講,並且是 JavaOne 的 Rockstar。Michael 是 JSR-352(Java 批次處理)的專家小組成員。他是 Apress 出版的《Pro Spring Batch》的作者,以及受歡迎的 Refcard《JUnit》和《EasyMock》的作者。在日常工作之外,Michael 喜歡與家人共度時光,並享受木工、攝影和資訊安全的興趣。