Java EE Web Application Primer: Building Bullhorn: A Messaging App with JSP, Servlets, JavaScript, Bootstrap and Oracle (Java EE 網頁應用程式入門:打造 Bullhorn:一款使用 JSP、Servlet、JavaScript、Bootstrap 和 Oracle 的即時通訊應用程式)
Dave Wolf, A.J. Henley
$1,200$948 -
$480$408 -
Build an online messaging app using Java Servlets, JSP, Expression Language, JSTL, JPQL, Sessions/Cookies, HTML/CSS/JavaScript, and the Bootstrap framework. This book explains Java EE, along with its associated technologies making it perfect for those with at least basic programming experience in Java or C. Java EE Web Application Primer teaches you how to develop complete web applications using Oracle as the database. By the end of the book you will have developed an online messaging app like Twitter. From there you can create other applications such as an online survey tool.
What You'll Learn
- Build a Twitter-like web application called Bullhorn using Java, Oracle, and more
- Create web applications using Eclipse
- Design web pages with HTML forms, tables, and more
- Use SQL along with Java and Oracle for database accessibility
- Connect to a database using the Java Persistence APIs
- Create dynamic web pages with JavaScript, JSP, and the tag libraries
- Get web pages to stand out with Bootstrap, jQuery, and CSS
Who This Book Is For
Those with at least basic programming experience in Java or C.
使用Java Servlets、JSP、Expression Language、JSTL、JPQL、Sessions/Cookies、HTML/CSS/JavaScript和Bootstrap框架來建立一個線上訊息應用程式。這本書解釋了Java EE以及相關的技術,非常適合具有Java或C基本程式設計經驗的讀者。《Java EE Web Application Primer》教導您如何使用Oracle作為資料庫開發完整的網路應用程式。在閱讀完本書後,您將能夠開發出類似Twitter的線上訊息應用程式,並且可以進一步創建其他應用程式,例如線上調查工具。
- 使用Java、Oracle等技術建立類似Twitter的網路應用程式Bullhorn
- 使用Eclipse創建網路應用程式
- 使用HTML表單、表格等設計網頁
- 使用SQL、Java和Oracle進行資料庫存取
- 使用Java Persistence APIs連接資料庫
- 使用JavaScript、JSP和標籤庫創建動態網頁
- 使用Bootstrap、jQuery和CSS使網頁更加出眾