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Build mobile apps that specifically target your company’s unique business needs, with the same ease of writing a simple spreadsheet! With this book, you will build business apps designed to work with your company's systems and databases, without having to enlist the expertise of costly, professionally trained software developers.
In Beginning PowerApps, author and business applications expert Tim Leung guides you step-by-step through the process of building your own mobile app. He assumes no technical background, although if you have worked with Excel, you are one step closer. He guides you through scenarios, such as what to do if you have existing databases with complex data structures and how to write screens that can connect to those data. You will come away with an understanding of how to set up screen navigation, manipulate data from within apps, and write solutions to perform specific tasks.
What You'll Learn
- Connect with data
- Write formulas
- Visualize your data through charts
- Work with global positioning systems (GPS)
- Build flows
- Import and export data
- Manage offline scenarios
- Develop custom application programming interfaces (API)
Who This Book Is For
Beginners and non-developers, and assumes no prior knowledge of PowerApps
在《Beginning PowerApps》中,作者及商業應用專家 Tim Leung 將逐步指導您建立自己的行動應用程式。他假設讀者沒有技術背景,但如果您曾經使用過 Excel,那麼您已經更接近了。他將引導您處理各種情境,例如如果您有現有的資料庫且資料結構複雜時該怎麼辦,以及如何撰寫可以連接到這些資料的畫面。您將了解如何設置畫面導航、在應用程式內操作資料,以及撰寫解決方案以執行特定任務。
- 連接資料
- 撰寫公式
- 通過圖表可視化您的資料
- 使用全球定位系統 (GPS)
- 建立流程
- 匯入和匯出資料
- 管理離線情境
- 開發自訂應用程式介面 (API)
初學者和非開發人員,並假設讀者對 PowerApps 沒有先前的知識。