Clean C++: Sustainable Software Development Patterns and Best Practices with C++ 17
暫譯: 乾淨的 C++:可持續軟體開發模式與 C++ 17 最佳實踐

Stephan Roth



Write maintainable, extensible, and durable software with modern C++. This book is a must for every developer, software architect, or team leader who is interested in good C++ code, and thus also wants to save development costs. If you want to teach yourself about writing clean C++, Clean C++ is exactly what you need. It is written to help C++ developers of all skill levels and shows by example how to write understandable, flexible, maintainable, and efficient C++ code. Even if you are a seasoned C++ developer, there are nuggets and data points in this book that you will find useful in your work.

If you don't take care with your code, you can produce a large, messy, and unmaintainable beast in any programming language. However, C++ projects in particular are prone to be messy and tend to slip into bad habits. Lots of C++ code that is written today looks as if it was written in the 1980s.

It seems that C++ developers have been forg
otten by those who preach Software Craftsmanship and Clean Code principles. The Web is full of bad, but apparently very fast and highly optimized C++ code examples, with cruel syntax that completely ignores elementary principles of good design and well-written code. This book will explain how to avoid this scenario and how to get the most out of your C++ code. You'll find your coding becomes more efficient and, importantly, more fun.

What You'll Learn
  • Gain sound principles and rules for clean coding in C++
  • Carry out test driven development (TDD)
  • Discover C++ design patterns and idioms
  • Apply these design patterns

Who This Book Is For

Any C++ developer and software engineer with an interest in producing better code. 


撰寫可維護、可擴展且耐用的現代 C++ 軟體。本書是每位開發者、軟體架構師或團隊領導者的必備之作,特別是對於那些對優質 C++ 代碼感興趣並希望降低開發成本的人。如果你想自學如何撰寫乾淨的 C++,Clean C++ 正是你所需要的。這本書旨在幫助各個技能水平的 C++ 開發者,並通過範例展示如何撰寫可理解、靈活、可維護且高效的 C++ 代碼。即使你是一位經驗豐富的 C++ 開發者,這本書中也有許多有用的見解和數據點可以幫助你的工作。

如果你不注意你的代碼,無論使用哪種程式語言,都可能產生一個龐大、混亂且無法維護的怪物。然而,特別是 C++ 專案往往容易變得混亂,並且容易養成不良習慣。今天撰寫的許多 C++ 代碼看起來就像是1980年代寫的。

似乎 C++ 開發者被那些宣揚軟體工藝和乾淨代碼原則的人所遺忘。網路上充斥著糟糕但顯然非常快速且高度優化的 C++ 代碼範例,這些代碼的語法殘酷,完全忽視了良好設計和優質代碼的基本原則。本書將解釋如何避免這種情況,以及如何充分發揮你的 C++ 代碼的潛力。你會發現你的編碼變得更有效率,更重要的是,更有趣。


  • 獲得 C++ 乾淨編碼的基本原則和規則

  • 執行測試驅動開發 (TDD)

  • 發現 C++ 設計模式和慣用法

  • 應用這些設計模式


任何對於產出更好代碼感興趣的 C++ 開發者和軟體工程師。