Pro Processing for Images and Computer Vision with OpenCV: Solutions for Media Artists and Creative Coders

Bryan WC W.C. Chung




Apply the Processing language to tasks involved in computer vision--tasks such as edge and corner detection, recognition of motion between frames in a video, recognition of objects, matching of feature points and shapes in different frames for tracking purposes, and more. You will manipulate images through creative effects, geometric transformation, blending of multiple images, and so forth. Examples are provided.
Pro Processing for Images and Computer Vision with OpenCV is a step-by-step training tool that guides you through a series of worked examples in linear order. Each chapter begins with a basic demonstration, including the code to recreate it on your own system. Then comes a creative challenge by which to engage and develop mastery of the chapter’s topic. The book also includes hints and tips relating to visual arts, interaction design, and industrial best practices.
This book is intended for any developer of artistic and otherwise visual applications, such as in augmented reality and digital effects, with a need to manipulate images, and to recognize and manipulate objects within those images. The book is specifically targeted at those making use of the Processing language that is common in artistic fields, and to Java programmers because of Processing’s easy integration into the Java programming environment. 
What You'll Learn
  • Make use of OpenCV, the open source library for computer vision in the Processing environment
  • Capture live video streams and examine them frame-by-frame for objects in motion
  • Recognize shapes and objects through techniques of detecting lines, edges, corners, and more
  • Transform images by scaling, translating, rotating, and additionally through various distortion effects
  • Apply techniques such as background subtraction to isolate motion of objects in live video streams
  • Detect and track human faces and other objects by matching feature points in different images or video frames
Who This Book Is For
Media artists, designers, and creative coders



《Pro Processing for Images and Computer Vision with OpenCV》是一個逐步培訓工具,引導您按線性順序進行一系列實例演示。每章節開始時都有一個基本演示,包括重建代碼的指引。然後是一個創意挑戰,以激發並發展對該章節主題的掌握能力。該書還包含與視覺藝術、交互設計和工業最佳實踐相關的提示和技巧。


- 在Processing環境中使用開源庫OpenCV進行計算機視覺
- 捕獲實時視頻流並逐幀檢查其中的運動物體
- 通過檢測線條、邊緣、角點等技術識別形狀和物體
- 通過縮放、平移、旋轉以及各種扭曲效果來變換圖像
- 應用背景減除等技術來分離實時視頻流中的物體運動
- 通過匹配不同圖像或視頻幀中的特徵點來檢測和追蹤人臉和其他物體


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