High Performance SQL Server: The Go Faster Book

Benjamin Nevarez




Design and configure SQL Server instances and databases in support of high-throughput applications that are mission-critical and provide consistent response times in the face of variations in user numbers and query volumes. Learn to configure SQL Server and design your databases to support a given instance and workload. You'll learn advanced configuration options, in-memory technologies, storage and disk configuration, and more, all toward enabling your desired application performance and throughput.
Configuration doesn't stop with implementation. Workloads change over time, and other impediments can arise to thwart desired performance. High Performance SQL Server covers monitoring and troubleshooting to aid in detecting and fixing production performance problems and minimizing application outages. You'll learn a variety of tools, ranging from the traditional wait analysis methodology to the new query store, and you'll learn how improving performance is really an iterative process.
High Performance SQL Server is based on SQL Server 2016, although most of its content can be applied to prior versions of the product. This book is an excellent complement to performance tuning books focusing on SQL queries, and provides the other half of what you need to know by focusing on configuring the instances on which mission-critical queries are executed.
  • Covers SQL Server instance-configuration for optimal performance
  • Helps in implementing SQL Server in-memory technologies
  • Provides guidance toward monitoring and ongoing diagnostics
What You Will Learn
  • Understand SQL Server's database engine and how it processes queries
  • Configure instances in support of high-throughput applications
    Provide consistent response times to varying user numbers and query volumes
  • Design databases for high-throughput applications with focus on performance

  • Record performance baselines and monitor SQL Server instances against them
  • Troubleshot and fix performance problems
Who This Book Is For
High Performance SQL Server is aimed at SQL Server database administrators, developers, and data architects. The book is also of use to system administrators who are managing and are responsible for the physical servers on which SQL Server instances are run.


設計和配置 SQL Server 實例和資料庫,以支援高吞吐量的關鍵應用程式,並在用戶數量和查詢量變化時提供一致的響應時間。學習配置 SQL Server 和設計資料庫以支援特定實例和工作負載。您將學習高級配置選項、內存技術、存儲和磁碟配置等,以實現所需的應用程式性能和吞吐量。

配置不僅僅停留在實施階段。工作負載會隨時間變化,其他障礙也可能出現,阻礙所需的性能。《高性能 SQL Server》涵蓋了監控和故障排除,以幫助檢測和修復生產性能問題,並最大程度地減少應用程式停機時間。您將學習各種工具,從傳統的等待分析方法到新的查詢存儲,並且您將了解改善性能實際上是一個迭代的過程。

《高性能 SQL Server》基於 SQL Server 2016,儘管大部分內容也適用於產品的先前版本。本書是性能調整書籍的絕佳補充,重點是配置執行關鍵查詢的實例。

- 配置 SQL Server 實例以獲得最佳性能
- 幫助實施 SQL Server 內存技術
- 提供監控和持續診斷的指導

- 了解 SQL Server 的資料庫引擎及其處理查詢的方式
- 配置實例以支援高吞吐量的應用程式,並對不同的用戶數量和查詢量提供一致的響應時間
- 設計針對高吞吐量應用程式的資料庫,重點是性能
- 記錄性能基準並監控 SQL Server 實例
- 故障排除和修復性能問題

本書適用於 SQL Server 資料庫管理員、開發人員和資料架構師。對於管理和負責運行 SQL Server 實例的物理伺服器的系統管理員也很有用。