Automated Trading with R: Quantitative Research and Platform Development
暫譯: 使用 R 進行自動化交易:量化研究與平台開發

Chris Conlan



This book explains the broad topic of automated trading, starting with its mathematics and moving to its computation and execution. Readers will gain a unique insight into the mechanics and computational considerations taken in building a backtester, strategy optimizer, and fully functional trading platform.

Automated Trading with R provides automated traders with all the tools they need to trade algorithmically with their existing brokerage, from data management, to strategy optimization, to order execution, using free and publically available data. If your brokerage’s API is supported, the source code is plug-and-play.

The platform built in this book can serve as a complete replacement for commercially available platforms used by retail traders and small funds. Software components are strictly decoupled and easily scalable, providing opportunity to substitute any data source, trading algorithm, or brokerage. The book’s three objectives are:

  • To provide a flexible alternative to common strategy automation frameworks, like Tradestation, Metatrader, and CQG, to small funds and retail traders.
  • To offer an understanding the internal mechanisms of an automated trading system.
  • To standardize discussion and notation of real-world strategy optimization problems.

What you’ll learn

  • Programming an automated strategy in R gives the trader access to R and its package library for optimizing strategies, generating real-time trading decisions, and minimizing computation time.
  • How to best simulate strategy performance in their specific use case to derive accurate performance estimates.
  • Important machine-learning criteria for statistical validity in the context of time-series.
  • An understanding of critical real-world variables pertaining to portfolio management and performance assessment, including latency, drawdowns, varying trade size, portfolio growth, and penalization of unused capital.

Who This Book Is For

This book is for traders/practitioners at the retail or small fund level with at least an undergraduate background in finance or computer science. Graduate level finance or data science students. 



《使用 R 進行自動化交易》為自動化交易者提供了所有所需的工具,以便使用現有的經紀商進行算法交易,涵蓋從數據管理、策略優化到訂單執行,並使用免費和公開可用的數據。如果您的經紀商的 API 得到支持,源代碼是即插即用的。


- 為小型基金和零售交易者提供一個靈活的替代方案,以取代常見的策略自動化框架,如 Tradestation、Metatrader 和 CQG。
- 提供對自動化交易系統內部機制的理解。
- 標準化現實世界策略優化問題的討論和符號。


- 在 R 中編程自動化策略使交易者能夠訪問 R 及其包庫,以優化策略、生成實時交易決策並最小化計算時間。
- 如何在特定用例中最佳模擬策略表現,以獲得準確的表現估算。
- 在時間序列背景下,重要的機器學習標準以確保統計有效性。
- 理解與投資組合管理和表現評估相關的關鍵現實變數,包括延遲、回撤、變化的交易規模、投資組合增長和未使用資本的懲罰。

