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This is a book about building Arduino-powered devices for everyday use, and then connecting those devices to the Internet. If you're one of the many who have decided to build your own Arduino-powered devices for IoT applications, you've probably wished you could find a single resource--a guidebook for the eager-to-learn Arduino enthusiast--that teaches logically, methodically, and practically how the Arduino works and what you can build with it.
Building Arduino Projects for the Internet of Things: Experiments with Real-World Applications is exactly what you need. Written by a software developer and solution architect who got tired of hunting and gathering various lessons for Arduino development as he taught himself all about the topic, this book gives you an incredibly strong foundation of Arduino-based device development, from which you can go in any direction according to your specific development needs and desires.
Readers are introduced to the building blocks of IoT, and then deploy those principles to by building a variety of useful projects. Projects in the books gradually introduce the reader to key topics such as internet connectivity with Arduino, common IoT protocols, custom web visualization, and Android apps that receive sensor data on-demand and in realtime. IoT device enthusiasts of all ages will want this book by their side when developing Android-based devices.
- Connect an Arduino device to the Internet
- Creating an Arduino circuit that senses temperature
- Publishing data collected from an Arduino to a server and to an MQTT broker
- Setting up channels in Xively
- Setting up an app in IBM Bluematrix
- Using Node-RED to define complex flows
- Publishing data visualization in a web app
- Reporting motion-sensor data through a mobile app
- Creating a remote control for house lights
- Creating a machine-to-machine communication requiring no human intervention
- Creating a location-aware device
這是一本關於建立日常使用的Arduino設備並將這些設備連接到互聯網的書籍。如果你是許多人中的一員,決定為物聯網應用程序建立自己的Arduino設備,你可能希望能找到一個單一的資源 - 一本為渴望學習Arduino的愛好者提供邏輯、有系統和實用的指南,教授Arduino的工作原理以及你可以用它建造什麼。
《Building Arduino Projects for the Internet of Things: Experiments with Real-World Applications》正是你所需要的。這本書由一位軟體開發人員和解決方案架構師撰寫,他在自學這個主題時厭倦了尋找和收集各種Arduino開發教程,為你提供了一個非常堅實的基礎,從中你可以根據你特定的開發需求和慾望朝任何方向發展。
- 將Arduino設備連接到互聯網
- 創建一個感測溫度的Arduino電路
- 將從Arduino收集的數據發布到服務器和MQTT代理
- 在Xively中設置通道
- 在IBM Bluematrix中設置應用程序
- 使用Node-RED定義複雜的流程
- 在網頁應用程序中發布數據可視化
- 通過移動應用程序報告運動傳感器數據
- 創建一個控制家庭燈光的遙控器
- 創建一個不需要人工干預的機器對機器通信
- 創建一個具有位置感知功能的設備