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This book is for musical makers and artists who want to gain knowledge and inspiration for your own amazing creations. “Grumpy Mike” Cook, co-author of several books on the Raspberry Pi and frequent answerer of questions of the Arduino forums, brings you a fun and instructive mix and simple and complex projects to help you understand how the Arduino can work with the MIDI system to create musical instruments and manipulate sound.
In Part I you’ll find a set of projects to show you the possibilities of MIDI plus Arduino, covering both the hardware and software aspects of creating musical instruments. In Part II, you learn how to directly synthesize a wave form to create your own sounds with Arduino and concludes with another instrument project: the SpoonDuino. Finally, in Part III, you’ll learn about signal processing with the Arduino Uno and the Due ― how to create effects like delay, echo, pitch changes, and realtime backwards audio output.
If you want to learn more about how to create music, instruments, and sound effects with Arduino, then get on board for Grumpy Mike’s grand tour with Arduino Music and Sound Projects.
這本書是為音樂製作者和藝術家而寫,旨在為您自己的創作提供知識和靈感。《Grumpy Mike》Cook是Raspberry Pi的幾本書的合著者,也是Arduino論壇上經常回答問題的人,他為您帶來了一系列有趣且富有教育意義的簡單和複雜的項目,幫助您了解Arduino如何與MIDI系統合作,創建音樂樂器並操縱聲音。
第一部分介紹了一系列項目,展示了MIDI和Arduino的可能性,涵蓋了創建音樂樂器的硬件和軟件方面。第二部分介紹了如何直接合成波形,使用Arduino創建自己的聲音,並以另一個樂器項目SpoonDuino作為結尾。最後,在第三部分中,您將學習如何使用Arduino Uno和Due進行信號處理,創建延遲、回聲、音高變化和實時反向音頻輸出等效果。
如果您想了解如何使用Arduino創建音樂、樂器和音效,那麼就跟隨《Arduino音樂和聲音項目》一起展開《Grumpy Mike》的大型旅程吧。