Android Studio New Media Fundamentals: Content Production of Digital Audio/Video, Illustration and 3D Animation
暫譯: Android Studio 新媒體基礎:數位音頻/視頻、插圖及 3D 動畫的內容製作
Wallace Jackson
This book is a brief primer covering concepts central to digital imagery, digital audio and digital illustration using open source software packages such as GIMP, Audacity and Inkscape. These are used for this book because they are free for commercial use. The book builds on the foundational concepts of raster, vector and waves (audio), and gets more advanced as chapters progress, covering what new media assets are best for use with Android Studio as well as key factors regarding the data footprint optimization work process and why it is important.
What You Will Learn
• What are the primary genres of new media content production
• What new media assets Android Studio supports
• What are the concepts behind new media content production
• How to Install and use GIMP, Inkscape, and Audacity software
• How to integrate that software with Android Studio, fast becoming the most popular IDE for Android apps design and development
Primary audience includes Android developers, especially game designers/developers and others who need access to multimedia elements. Secondary: multimedia producers, RIA developers, game designers, UI designers, and teachers.
這本書是一本簡短的入門書,涵蓋了數位影像、數位音訊和數位插圖的核心概念,使用的開源軟體包包括 GIMP、Audacity 和 Inkscape。選擇這些軟體的原因是它們可免費用於商業用途。本書建立在光柵(raster)、向量(vector)和波(waves,音訊)的基礎概念上,隨著章節的進展,內容變得更加深入,涵蓋了哪些新媒體資產最適合用於 Android Studio,以及有關數據足跡優化工作流程的關鍵因素及其重要性。
• 新媒體內容製作的主要類型是什麼
• Android Studio 支援哪些新媒體資產
• 新媒體內容製作背後的概念是什麼
• 如何安裝和使用 GIMP、Inkscape 和 Audacity 軟體
• 如何將這些軟體與 Android Studio 整合,Android Studio 正迅速成為設計和開發 Android 應用程式的最受歡迎的 IDE
主要受眾包括 Android 開發者,特別是遊戲設計師/開發者以及其他需要訪問多媒體元素的人。次要受眾:多媒體製作人、RIA 開發者、遊戲設計師、UI 設計師和教師。