Learn JavaFX 8: Building User Experience and Interfaces with Java 8 (Paperback) (學習 JavaFX 8:使用 Java 8 建構使用者體驗與介面)

Kishori Sharan




Learn JavaFX 8 shows you how to start developing rich-client desktop applications using your Java skills and provides comprehensive coverage of JavaFX 8's features. Each chapter starts with an introduction to the topic at hand, followed by a step-by-step discussion of the topic with small snippets of code. The book contains numerous figures aiding readers in visualizing the GUI that is built at every step in the discussion.

The book starts with an introduction to JavaFX and its history. It lists the system requirements and the steps to start developing JavaFX applications. It shows you how to create a Hello World application in JavaFX, explaining every line of code in the process. Later in the book, author Kishori Sharan discusses advanced topics such as 2D and 3D graphics, charts, FXML, advanced controls, and printing. Some of the advanced controls such as TableView, TreeTableView and WebView are covered at length in separate chapters.

This book provides complete and comprehensive coverage of JavaFX 8 features; uses an incremental approach to teach JavaFX, assuming no prior GUI knowledge; includes code snippets, complete programs, and pictures; covers MVC patterns using JavaFX; and covers advanced topics such as FXML, effects, transformations, charts, images, canvas, audio and video, DnD, and more. So, after reading and using this book, you'll come away with a comprehensive introduction to the JavaFX APIs as found in the new Java 8 platform.


《學習 JavaFX 8》向您展示如何使用您的 Java 技能開始開發豐富的桌面應用程序,並全面介紹了 JavaFX 8 的功能。每一章節都以介紹主題開始,然後逐步討論該主題並提供小段程式碼。本書包含許多圖片,幫助讀者在討論的每一步中視覺化建立的 GUI。

本書以介紹 JavaFX 及其歷史開始。它列出了系統需求和開始開發 JavaFX 應用程序的步驟。它向您展示如何在 JavaFX 中創建一個 Hello World 應用程序,並解釋了每一行程式碼的過程。本書的後半部分,作者 Kishori Sharan 討論了高級主題,如 2D 和 3D 圖形、圖表、FXML、高級控件和打印。一些高級控件,如 TableView、TreeTableView 和 WebView,在單獨的章節中詳細介紹。

本書全面而詳盡地介紹了 JavaFX 8 的功能;使用漸進式方法教授 JavaFX,假設讀者沒有先前的 GUI 知識;包含程式碼片段、完整程式和圖片;涵蓋使用 JavaFX 的 MVC 模式;涵蓋高級主題,如 FXML、效果、變換、圖表、圖像、畫布、音頻和視頻、拖放等。因此,在閱讀和使用本書後,您將全面了解新的 Java 8 平台中的 JavaFX API。