Web Standards: Mastering HTML5, CSS3, and XML provides solutions to the most common web design problems, and gives you a deep understanding of web standards and how they can be implemented to improve your web sites. You will learn how to develop fully standards-compliant, mobile-friendly, and search engine-optimized web sites that are robust, fast, and easy to update while providing excellent user experience and interoperability. The book covers all major web standards for markup, style sheets, web typography, web syndication, semantic annotations, and accessibility. This edition has been fully updated with the latest in web standards, including the finalized HTML5 vocabulary and the full list of CSS3 properties.
Web Standards: Mastering HTML5, CSS3, and XML is also a comprehensive guide to current and future standards for the World Wide Web, demonstrating the implementation of new technologies to address the constantly growing user expectations. Web Standards: Mastering HTML5, CSS3, and XML presents step-by-step guides based on solid design principles and best practices, and shows the most common web development tools and web design frameworks. You will master HTML5 and its XML serialization, XHTML5, the new structuring and multimedia elements, the most important HTML5 APIs, and understand the standardization process of HTML 5.1, HTML 5.2, and future HTML5 versions.
《網頁標準:精通 HTML5、CSS3 和 XML》提供了針對最常見的網頁設計問題的解決方案,並讓您深入了解網頁標準及其如何實施以改善您的網站。您將學會如何開發完全符合標準、適合行動裝置且經過搜尋引擎優化的網站,這些網站不僅穩健、快速且易於更新,還能提供卓越的使用者體驗和互操作性。本書涵蓋了所有主要的網頁標準,包括標記、樣式表、網頁排版、網頁聯播、語意註解和可及性。本版已全面更新,包含最新的網頁標準,包括最終確定的 HTML5 詞彙和完整的 CSS3 屬性列表。
《網頁標準:精通 HTML5、CSS3 和 XML》同時也是當前和未來萬維網標準的綜合指南,展示了新技術的實施,以應對不斷增長的使用者期望。《網頁標準:精通 HTML5、CSS3 和 XML》提供了基於穩固設計原則和最佳實踐的逐步指南,並展示了最常見的網頁開發工具和網頁設計框架。您將掌握 HTML5 及其 XML 序列化、XHTML5、新的結構和多媒體元素、最重要的 HTML5 API,並了解 HTML 5.1、HTML 5.2 及未來 HTML5 版本的標準化過程。