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Embedded Software Development: The Open-Source Approach delivers a practical introduction to embedded software development, with a focus on open-source components. This programmer-centric book is written in a way that enables even novice practitioners to grasp the development process as a whole.
Incorporating real code fragments and explicit, real-world open-source operating system references (in particular, FreeRTOS) throughout, the text:
- Defines the role and purpose of embedded systems, describing their internal structure and interfacing with software development tools
- Examines the inner workings of the GNU compiler collection (GCC)-based software development system or, in other words, toolchain
- Presents software execution models that can be adopted profitably to model and express concurrency
- Addresses the basic nomenclature, models, and concepts related to task-based scheduling algorithms
- Shows how an open-source protocol stack can be integrated in an embedded system and interfaced with other software components
- Analyzes the main components of the FreeRTOS Application Programming Interface (API), detailing the implementation of key operating system concepts
- Discusses advanced topics such as formal verification, model checking, runtime checks, memory corruption, security, and dependability
Embedded Software Development: The Open-Source Approach capitalizes on the authors’ extensive research on real-time operating systems and communications used in embedded applications, often carried out in strict cooperation with industry. Thus, the book serves as a springboard for further research.
本書貫穿了真實的程式碼片段和明確的實際開源作業系統參考(特別是 FreeRTOS),內容包括:
- 定義嵌入式系統的角色和目的,描述其內部結構及與軟體開發工具的介面
- 檢視基於 GNU 編譯器集合(GCC)的軟體開發系統的內部運作,或換句話說,工具鏈
- 提出可以有效採用的軟體執行模型,以建模和表達並行性
- 討論與基於任務的排程演算法相關的基本命名法、模型和概念
- 展示如何將開源協定堆疊整合到嵌入式系統中並與其他軟體組件介面
- 分析 FreeRTOS 應用程式介面(API)的主要組件,詳細說明關鍵作業系統概念的實作
- 討論如形式驗證、模型檢查、執行時檢查、記憶體損壞、安全性和可靠性等進階主題