Excel 2010 for Educational and Psychological Statistics: A Guide to Solving Practical Problems
暫譯: Excel 2010 在教育與心理統計中的應用:實務問題解決指南

Thomas J Quirk


Excel has become an important and nearly ubiquitous classroom and office resource for students and practitioners who are faced with solving statistical problems on an everyday basis. Despite this, there has yet to emerge a truly practical, “how-do-I-do-it” manual that teaches the various applications and processes/formulas for Excel  in educational and psychological Statistics. Quirk’s Excel 2010 for Educational and Psychological Statistics will fill this void, as it is designed to be a step-by-step, exercise-driven guide for education and psychology students who need to master Excel to create  formulas and solve statistical problems.    Each chapter first explains briefly the formulas that are included in the chapter, and then directs the student on  how to use Excel commands and formulas to solve a specific business problem.  Three practice problems are provided at the end of each chapter, along with their solutions in an Appendix.  At the end of the Excel Guide, an additional Practice Exam allows the reader to test his or her understanding of each chapter by attempting to solve a specific educational or psychometrical issue or problem using Excel (the solution to this problem is also given in an Appendix).  From the beginning of the book, readers/students are taught how to write their own formulas and then how to utilize Excel drop-down formula menus as well for such exercises involving one-way ANOVA, simple linear regression, and multiple correlation.​


Excel 已成為學生和專業人士在日常解決統計問題時的重要且幾乎無處不在的教室和辦公室資源。儘管如此,至今尚未出現一本真正實用的「我該如何做」手冊,來教授 Excel 在教育和心理統計中的各種應用和過程/公式。Quirk 的《Excel 2010 教育與心理統計》將填補這一空白,因為它旨在成為一本逐步指導、以練習為主的指南,幫助教育和心理學學生掌握 Excel,以創建公式並解決統計問題。

每一章首先簡要解釋該章中包含的公式,然後指導學生如何使用 Excel 命令和公式來解決特定的商業問題。每章末尾提供三個練習題,並在附錄中給出其解答。在 Excel 指南的最後,還有一個額外的練習考試,讓讀者通過嘗試使用 Excel 解決特定的教育或心理測量問題來測試自己對每一章的理解(該問題的解答也在附錄中提供)。從書的開始,讀者/學生將學會如何編寫自己的公式,然後如何利用 Excel 的下拉公式菜單來進行涉及單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)、簡單線性回歸和多重相關的練習。