Make: 3D Printing Projects: Toys, Bots, Tools, and Vehicles To Print Yourself (Paperback)
暫譯: 製作:3D列印專案:自製玩具、機器人、工具與交通工具

Brook Drumm, James Floyd Kelly, Rick Winscot, John Edgar Park, John Baichtal, Brian Roe, Nick Ernst, Steven Bolin, Caleb Cotter



Even if you've never touched a 3D printer, these projects will excite and empower you to learn new skills, extend your current abilities, and awaken your creative impulses. Each project uses a unique combination of electronics, hand assembly techniques, custom 3D-printed parts, and software, while teaching you how to think through and execute your own ideas.

Written by the founder of Printrbot, his staff, and veteran DIY authors, this book of projects exemplifies the broad range of highly personalized, limit-pushing project possibilities of 3D printing when combined with affordable electronic components and materials.

In Make: 3D Printing Projects, you'll:

  • Print and assemble a modular lamp that's suitable for beginners--and quickly gets you incorporating electronics into 3D-printed structures.
  • Learn about RC vehicles by fabricating--and driving--your own sleek, shiny, and fast Inverted Trike.
  • Model a 1950s-style Raygun Pen through a step-by-step primer on how to augment an existing object through rapid prototyping.
  • Fabricate a fully functional, battery-powered screwdriver, while learning how to tear down and reconstruct your own tools.
  • Get hands-on with animatronics by building your own set of life-like mechanical eyes.
  • Make a Raspberry Pi robot that rides a monorail of string, can turn corners, runs its own web server, streams video, and is remote-controlled from your phone.
  • Build and customize a bubble-blowing robot, flower watering contraption, and a DIY camera gimbal.




在《Make: 3D Printing Projects》中,你將:

- 列印並組裝一個適合初學者的模組化燈具,並迅速讓你將電子元件融入3D列印結構中。
- 通過製作並駕駛自己的流線型、光亮且快速的倒三輪車,了解遙控車輛。
- 通過逐步指南,製作一支1950年代風格的雷射槍筆,學習如何通過快速原型製作增強現有物件。
- 製作一個完全功能的電池驅動螺絲起子,同時學習如何拆解和重建自己的工具。
- 通過製作一組栩栩如生的機械眼,親手體驗動畫技術。
- 製作一個搭載在單軌繩索上的Raspberry Pi機器人,能轉彎、運行自己的網路伺服器、串流視頻,並可從你的手機遙控。
- 建造並自訂一個吹泡泡的機器人、澆花裝置和DIY相機穩定器。