Intelligent Computing for Interactive System Design Statistics, Digital Signal Processing and Machine Learning in Practice
暫譯: 互動系統設計的智能計算

Parisa Eslambolchilar,Mark Dunlop, Andreas Komninos

  • 出版商: Morgan & Claypool
  • 出版日期: 2021-02-25
  • 售價: $3,200
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$3,040
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 472
  • 裝訂: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 1450390293
  • ISBN-13: 9781450390293
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)


ntelligent Computing for Interactive System Design provides a comprehensive resource on what has become the dominant paradigm in designing novel interaction methods, involving gestures, speech, text, touch and brain-controlled interaction, embedded in innovative and emerging human–computer interfaces. These interfaces support ubiquitous interaction with applications and services running on smartphones, wearables, in-vehicle systems, virtual and augmented reality, robotic systems, the Internet of Things (IoT), and many other domains that are now highly competitive, both in commercial and in research contexts.

This book presents the crucial theoretical foundations needed by any student, researcher, or practitioner working on novel interface design, with chapters on statistical methods, digital signal processing (DSP), and machine learning (ML). These foundations are followed by chapters that discuss case studies on smart cities, brain–computer interfaces, probabilistic mobile text entry, secure gestures, personal context from mobile phones, adaptive touch interfaces, and automotive user interfaces. The case studies chapters also highlight an in-depth look at the practical application of DSP and ML methods used for processing of touch, gesture, biometric, or embedded sensor inputs. A common theme throughout the case studies is ubiquitous support for humans in their daily professional or personal activities.

In addition, the book provides walk-through examples of different DSP and ML techniques and their use in interactive systems. Common terms are defined, and information on practical resources is provided (e.g., software tools, data resources) for hands-on project work to develop and evaluate multimodal and multi-sensor systems. In a series of short additions to each chapter, an expert on the legal and ethical issues explores the emergent deep concerns of the professional community, on how DSP and ML should be adopted and used in socially appropriate ways, to most effectively advance human performance during ubiquitous interaction with omnipresent computers.

This carefully edited collection is written by international experts and pioneers in the fields of DSP and ML. It provides a textbook for students and a reference and technology roadmap for developers and professionals working on interaction design on emerging platforms.







(Eds.) Parisa Eslambolchilar, Cardiff University
Parisa Eslambolchilar received a BEng degree in Hardware Engineering from the University of Amirkabir, Tehran, in 1999, and a Master’s in Engineering in Robotics and AI from the University of Tehran, Iran in 2002 and a PhD degree in Computer Science from the Hamilton Institute, National University of Ireland, Maynooth in 2007. In March 2007, she joined the Computer Science Department of Swansea University as a lecturer. In March 2017, Parisa started her new post as a Senior Lecturer in the School of Informatics and Computer Science at Cardiff University. She is currently a Reader in Human–Computer Interaction (HCI) at Cardiff University and leads the Complex Systems Research Group and the Human Factors Technology Research Priority Area at the School. Parisa’s research interests include HCI, ubiquitous computing, and designing interactive systems to support self-reflection, self-monitoring, feedback (audio, haptic, visual, and soma), persuasion, immersion, and navigation. Her work exploits the Internet of Things (IoT), wearables, smartphones, augmented reality, and virtual reality.

Mark Dunlop, Strathclyde University
Dr Mark Dunlop is a Senior Lecturer in Computer Science in the Department of Computer and Information Sciences at the University of Strathclyde. He received his BSc (Hons) and PhD degrees from the University of Glasgow in 1988 and 1991, respectively. He has held academic posts at the universities of Glasgow, theWest of Scotland and, currently, Strathclyde in addition to a senior researcher post at the Riso Danish National Laboratory. He is an associate editor for the journals Personal and Ubiquitous Computing and International Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction, and is a member of the international steering committee for ACM MobileHCI (having co-founded the conference series in 1998 and acted as both local-chair and program-co-chair). He has been a chair of the ACM CHI Usability and User Experience committee and has also acted as an expert witness in mobile usability patent cases in Australia and the United States. Mark’s research focuses on the usability of mobile systems including sensor and crowd-source driven interaction, smarter text entry, and fitness/digital health applications of mobile HCI research. He follows a strong user-centered approach with elements of participatory design and formal usability experimentation. His teaching focuses around HCI and mobile application development.

Andreas Komninos, University of Patras
Andreas Komninos has a BSc (Hons) in Computer Studies from Glasgow Caledonian University (2001) and a PhD (Computer and Information Science, 2005) from the University of Strathclyde, UK. He has worked as a Lecturer at Glasgow Caledonian University, specializing in Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing (2005–2013), as an adjunct faculty member at the Hellenic Open University, the University of Patras and the Technological Educational Institute (2010–2019). He has also worked as a post-doctoral researcher in projects related to Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing at the University of Strathclyde (UK), the Computer Technology Institute and Press “Diophantus” and the Industrial Systems Institute (Greece) between 2013 and 2020. He is currently an Assistant Professor in Network-Centric Systems at the Computer Engineering and Informatics Department, University of Patras, Greece. Andreas’ research interests focus on interactive and context-aware mobile and ubiquitous computing systems, that leverage sensors, the IoT and machine learning technology. He has worked and published scientific papers in a range of domains, including mobile and smartwatch text entry, multimodal navigation, the IoT and sensor-based systems, and augmented reality. His published work and professional information can be found at


**編輯**:Parisa Eslambolchilar,卡迪夫大學
Parisa Eslambolchilar於1999年在德黑蘭的阿米爾卡比爾科技大學獲得硬體工程的學士學位,2002年在伊朗德黑蘭大學獲得機器人與人工智慧的碩士學位,並於2007年在愛爾蘭梅努斯國立大學的漢密爾頓研究所獲得計算機科學的博士學位。2007年3月,她加入斯旺西大學計算機科學系擔任講師。2017年3月,Parisa開始在卡迪夫大學資訊與計算機科學學院擔任高級講師。她目前是卡迪夫大學人機互動(HCI)領域的研究員,並領導複雜系統研究小組及人因技術研究優先領域。Parisa的研究興趣包括HCI、無處不在的計算,以及設計互動系統以支持自我反思、自我監控、反饋(音頻、觸覺、視覺和身體)、說服、沉浸和導航。她的工作利用物聯網(IoT)、可穿戴設備、智能手機、擴增實境和虛擬實境。

**Mark Dunlop**,斯特拉斯克萊德大學
Mark Dunlop博士是斯特拉斯克萊德大學計算機與信息科學系的高級講師。他於1988年和1991年分別在格拉斯哥大學獲得理學士(榮譽)和博士學位。他曾在格拉斯哥大學、西蘇格蘭大學以及目前的斯特拉斯克萊德大學擔任學術職位,並在丹麥國家實驗室Riso擔任高級研究員。他是期刊《Personal and Ubiquitous Computing》和《International Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction》的副編輯,並且是ACM MobileHCI國際指導委員會的成員(自1998年共同創辦該會議系列以來,擔任過當地主席和程序共同主席)。他曾擔任ACM CHI可用性與用戶體驗委員會的主席,並在澳大利亞和美國的移動可用性專利案件中擔任專家證人。Mark的研究重點是移動系統的可用性,包括傳感器和群眾來源驅動的互動、更智能的文本輸入,以及移動HCI研究的健身/數位健康應用。他遵循以用戶為中心的方法,結合參與式設計和正式的可用性實驗。他的教學重點圍繞HCI和移動應用開發。

**Andreas Komninos**,帕特雷斯大學
Andreas Komninos擁有格拉斯哥卡利多尼亞大學的計算機研究理學士(榮譽,2001年)和斯特拉斯克萊德大學的計算機與信息科學博士(2005年)。他曾在格拉斯哥卡利多尼亞大學擔任講師,專注於移動和無處不在的計算(2005-2013年),並在希臘開放大學、帕特雷斯大學和技術教育學院擔任兼任教職(2010-2019年)。他還曾在斯特拉斯克萊德大學(英國)、計算機技術研究所和“Diophantus”出版社以及工業系統研究所(希臘)擔任與移動和無處不在的計算相關的博士後研究員,工作時間為2013年至2020年。目前,他是希臘帕特雷斯大學計算機工程與信息學系的網絡中心系統助理教授。Andreas的研究興趣集中在互動和上下文感知的移動及無處不在的計算系統,這些系統利用傳感器、物聯網和機器學習技術。他在多個領域工作並發表科學論文,包括移動和智能手錶文本輸入、多模態導航、物聯網和基於傳感器的系統,以及擴增實境。他的發表作品和專業信息可以在http://www.komninos.info找到。


Parisa Eslambolchilar, Andreas Komninos, Mark D. Dunlop

Ethical Issues in Digital Signal Processing and Machine Learning
Internet of Everything
Ioannis Chatzigiannakis, Christos Tselios
The Internet of Everything—Introducing Privacy
Statistical Grounding
Ahmed Sabbir Arif
Ethics and Statistics
DSP Basics
Ethical Issues of Digital Signal Processing
Machine Learning Basics
Konstantinos Chatzilygeroudis
Ethical Issues in Machine Learning
Combining Infrastructure Sensor and Tourism Market Data in a Smart City Project—Case Study 1
Ethics and Smart Cities
Brain–Computer Interfacing with Interactive Systems—Case Study 2
Ethical Issues in Brain–Computer Interfaces
Probabilistic Text Entry—Case Study 3
Ethical Issues in Probabilistic Text Entry
Secure Gestures—Case Study 4
Ethics and Secure Gestures
Personal Context from Mobile Phones—Case Study 5
Ethics and Personal Context
Building Adaptive Touch Interfaces—Case Study 6
Ethics and Adaptive Touch Interfaces
Driver Cognitive Load Classification Based on Physiological Data—Case Study 7
Ethics in Automotive User Interface
Authors’ Biographies



Parisa Eslambolchilar, Andreas Komninos, Mark D. Dunlop

Ethical Issues in Digital Signal Processing and Machine Learning

Internet of Everything

Ioannis Chatzigiannakis, Christos Tselios

The Internet of Everything—Introducing Privacy

Statistical Grounding

Ahmed Sabbir Arif

Ethics and Statistics

DSP Basics

Ethical Issues of Digital Signal Processing

Machine Learning Basics

Konstantinos Chatzilygeroudis

Ethical Issues in Machine Learning

Combining Infrastructure Sensor and Tourism Market Data in a Smart City Project—Case Study 1

Ethics and Smart Cities

Brain–Computer Interfacing with Interactive Systems—Case Study 2

Ethical Issues in Brain–Computer Interfaces

Probabilistic Text Entry—Case Study 3

Ethical Issues in Probabilistic Text Entry

Secure Gestures—Case Study 4

Ethics and Secure Gestures

Personal Context from Mobile Phones—Case Study 5

Ethics and Personal Context

Building Adaptive Touch Interfaces—Case Study 6

Ethics and Adaptive Touch Interfaces

Driver Cognitive Load Classification Based on Physiological Data—Case Study 7

Ethics in Automotive User Interface

Authors’ Biographies
