Facebook: The Missing Manual, 3/e (Paperback)

E. A. Vander Veer

  • 出版商: O'Reilly|英文2書85折
  • 出版日期: 2011-03-11
  • 定價: $700
  • 售價: 1.4$99
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 284
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 1449397417
  • ISBN-13: 9781449397418
  • 立即出貨 (庫存 < 3)




Facebook's popularity is skyrocketing, drawing more than 500 million people to this combination online village green, personal website creator, and souped-up address book. But one thing you won't get when signing up is a printed manual. Enter Facebook: The Missing Manual, Third Edition -- the witty, authoritative guide you need, now revised and updated to include all of Facebook's latest features, including enhanced photo-sharing options and new privacy controls.

Coverage includes:

  • Getting started, getting connected. Signing up is easy, but the real payoff comes when you tap into networks of coworkers, classmates, and friends. This book explains Facebook’s new Groups features -- including how to pick and choose who gets to see what, and how to steer clear of people you want to avoid.

  • Adding applications. Ranging from silly (fortune cookies and video games) to serious (goal tracking), thousands of mini-programs can transform your Facebook account into an addictive, one-stop resource. Learn how to find and install your favorites.

  • Facebook for grownups and businesspeople. Facebook isn't just for Junior anymore. Thousands of companies and business professionals use the site for everything from project collaboration and advertising to filling (and finding) jobs. This book is written for adults of all ages.

  • Protecting your privacy. Creeps are everywhere online, but on Facebook you can feel especially exposed with so much personal info on display. This book walks you through the latest privacy controls.


Facebook的受歡迎程度急速上升,吸引了超過5億人使用這個結合了網上村莊、個人網站創建者和強化版通訊錄的平台。但是,當你註冊時,你不會得到一本印刷手冊。這就是《Facebook: The Missing Manual》第三版的用途 - 這本詼諧而權威的指南現已修訂和更新,包括Facebook的最新功能,包括增強的照片分享選項和新的隱私控制。

- 開始使用,建立聯繫。註冊很容易,但真正的回報是當你加入同事、同學和朋友的網絡時。本書解釋了Facebook的新群組功能 - 包括如何選擇誰可以看到什麼,以及如何避免你想避開的人。
- 添加應用程式。從愚蠢的(幸運餅乾和視頻遊戲)到嚴肅的(目標追踪),數千個小型程式可以將你的Facebook帳戶變成一個令人上癮的一站式資源。學習如何找到並安裝你喜歡的應用程式。
- 面向成年人和商業人士的Facebook。Facebook不再只是年輕人的專利。成千上萬的公司和商業專業人士使用這個網站進行項目協作、廣告以及填補(和尋找)工作。本書適合各個年齡段的成年人閱讀。
- 保護你的隱私。在網上,無處不有奇怪的人,但在Facebook上,由於展示了如此多的個人信息,你可能會感到特別暴露。本書將引導你了解最新的隱私控制方法。