HTML5 Cookbook (Paperback)

Christopher Schmitt, Kyle Simpson




With scores of practical recipes you can use in your projects right away, this cookbook helps you gain hands-on experience with HTML5’s versatile collection of elements. You get clear solutions for handling issues with everything from markup semantics, web forms, and audio and video elements to related technologies such as geolocation and rich JavaScript APIs.

Each informative recipe includes sample code and a detailed discussion on why and how the solution works. Perfect for intermediate to advanced web and mobile web developers, this handy book lets you choose the HTML5 features that work for you—and helps you experiment with the rest.

  • Test browsers for HTML5 support, and use techniques for applying unsupported features
  • Discover how HTML5 makes web form implementation much simpler
  • Overcome challenges for implementing native audio and video elements
  • Learn techniques for using HTML5 with ARIA accessibility guidelines
  • Explore examples that cover using geolocation data in your applications
  • Draw images, use transparencies, add gradients and patterns, and more with Canvas
  • Bring HTML5 features to life with a variety of advanced JavaScript APIs


這本食譜書提供了大量實用的配方,讓您可以立即在您的專案中使用。這本書幫助您親身體驗 HTML5 的多功能元素,並提供了解決各種問題的明確解決方案,包括標記語義、網頁表單、音頻和視頻元素,以及相關技術,如地理位置和豐富的 JavaScript API。

每個資訊豐富的配方都包含示範程式碼和詳細的討論,解釋解決方案的原理和運作方式。這本實用的書適合中高階的網頁和移動網頁開發人員使用,讓您可以選擇適合您的 HTML5 功能,並幫助您嘗試其他功能。

- 測試瀏覽器對 HTML5 的支援,並使用技巧應用不支援的功能
- 發現 HTML5 如何使網頁表單實現更簡單
- 克服實現本地音頻和視頻元素的挑戰
- 學習使用 HTML5 配合 ARIA 可訪問性指南的技巧
- 探索示例,涵蓋在應用程式中使用地理位置數據
- 使用 Canvas 繪製圖像,使用透明度、添加漸變和圖案等
- 使用各種高級 JavaScript API 讓 HTML5 功能更生動活潑