Mastering Perl, 2/e (Paperback)
暫譯: 精通 Perl, 第二版 (平裝本)

brian d foy



Take the next step toward Perl mastery with advanced concepts that make coding easier, maintenance simpler, and execution faster. Mastering Perl isn't a collection of clever tricks, but a way of thinking about Perl programming for solving debugging, configuration, and many other real-world problems you’ll encounter as a working programmer.

The third in O’Reilly’s series of landmark Perl tutorials (after Learning Perl and Intermediate Perl), this fully upated edition pulls everything together and helps you bend Perl to your will.

  • Explore advanced regular expressions features
  • Avoid common problems when writing secure programs
  • Profile and benchmark Perl programs to see where they need work
  • Wrangle Perl code to make it more presentable and readable
  • Understand how Perl keeps track of package variables
  • Define subroutines on the fly
  • Jury-rig modules to fix code without editing the original source
  • Use bit operations and bit vectors to store large data efficiently
  • Learn how to detect errors that Perl doesn’t report
  • Dive into logging, data persistence, and the magic of tied variables


進一步邁向 Perl 精通,掌握使編碼更簡單、維護更輕鬆、執行更快速的進階概念。《Mastering Perl》並不是一系列巧妙的技巧,而是一種思考 Perl 程式設計的方法,旨在解決作為工作程式設計師所遇到的除錯、配置及許多其他現實世界問題。

這是 O’Reilly 標誌性 Perl 教學系列的第三本(在《Learning Perl》和《Intermediate Perl》之後),這個全面更新的版本將所有內容整合在一起,幫助你隨心所欲地駕馭 Perl。

- 探索進階的正則表達式功能
- 避免撰寫安全程式時常見的問題
- 對 Perl 程式進行性能分析和基準測試,以了解需要改進的地方
- 整理 Perl 代碼,使其更具可讀性和可展示性
- 理解 Perl 如何追蹤包變數
- 即時定義子程序
- 臨時修補模組以修正代碼,而無需編輯原始源碼
- 使用位運算和位向量有效地存儲大量數據
- 學習如何檢測 Perl 不會報告的錯誤
- 深入了解日誌記錄、數據持久性及綁定變數的魔力