Intermediate Perl, 2/e (Paperback)
暫譯: 中級Perl,第二版(平裝本)

Randal L. Schwartz, brian d foy, Tom Phoenix



This book picks up right where Learning Perl leaves off. With Intermediate Perl, you’ll graduate from short scripts to much larger programs, using features that make Perl a general-purpose language. This gentle but thorough guide introduces you to modules, complex data structures, and object-oriented programming.

Each chapter is small enough to be read in just an hour or two, ending with exercises to help you practice what you’ve learned. If you’re familiar with the material in Learning Perl and have the ambition to go further, Intermediate Perl will teach you most of the core Perl language concepts you need for writing robust programs on any platform.

Topics include:

  • Packages and namespaces
  • References and scoping, including regular expression references
  • Manipulating complex data structures
  • Object-oriented programming
  • Writing and using modules
  • Testing Perl code
  • Contributing to CPAN

Just like Learning Perl, material in this book closely follows the popular introductory Perl course the authors have taught since 1991. This second edition covers recent changes to the language up to version 5.14.


這本書接續了《Learning Perl》的內容。在《Intermediate Perl》中,您將從短小的腳本進階到更大型的程式,使用使 Perl 成為通用語言的特性。這本溫和但徹底的指南將帶您了解模組、複雜的資料結構以及物件導向程式設計。

每一章的篇幅都足夠小,讓您在一到兩小時內就能讀完,並以練習題結束,幫助您練習所學的知識。如果您對《Learning Perl》中的內容已經熟悉,並有進一步學習的雄心,《Intermediate Perl》將教您撰寫在任何平台上穩健程式所需的大部分核心 Perl 語言概念。

- 套件和命名空間
- 參考和範圍,包括正則表達式參考
- 操作複雜的資料結構
- 物件導向程式設計
- 撰寫和使用模組
- 測試 Perl 代碼
- 對 CPAN 的貢獻

就像《Learning Perl》一樣,本書的內容緊密跟隨自 1991 年以來作者所教授的流行入門 Perl 課程。這第二版涵蓋了語言的最新變更,直到版本 5.14。