Excel 2010: The Missing Manual (Paperback)

Matthew MacDonald

  • 出版商: O'Reilly|英文2書85折
  • 出版日期: 2010-08-03
  • 定價: $1,400
  • 售價: 2.1$299
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 898
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 1449382355
  • ISBN-13: 9781449382353
  • 相關分類: Excel
  • 立即出貨(限量) (庫存=1)




Excel, the world's most popular spreadsheet program, has the muscle to analyze heaps of data. Beyond basic number-crunching, Excel 2010 has many impressive features that are hard to find, much less master -- especially from online help pages. This Missing Manual clearly explains how everything works with a unique and witty style to help you learn quickly.

  • Navigate with ease. Master Excel's tabbed toolbar and its new backstage view
  • Perform a variety of calculations. Write formulas for rounding numbers, calculating mortgage payments, and more
  • Organize your data. Search, sort, and filter huge amounts of information
  • Illustrate trends. Bring your data to life with charts and graphics -- including miniature charts called Sparklines
  • Examine your data. Summarize information and find hidden patterns with pivot tables and slicers
  • Share your spreadsheets. Use the Excel Web App to collaborate with colleagues online
  • Rescue lost data. Restore old versions of data and find spreadsheets you forgot to save

Microsoft Excel’s Top 5 Tricks

1. Page break preview -- In page break preview mode (choose View --> Workbook Views --> Page Break Preview) you can see how your printed worksheet will be split across multiple pages. But even more valuable is the ability to drag a page break to a new place. For example, if you spot some data off to the right side that doesn't fit on your page, you can drag the page break to the right so that it does. When you do this, Excel scales down your entire worksheet to fit the information you want.

2. Recovering unsaved work -- Ever start a new workbook, and then forget to save it when you close Excel in a hurry? Now you can get your lost work back. Just choose File --> Info, click the Manage Versions button, and choose Recover Unsaved Workbooks to find the unsaved spreadsheets that Excel stores automatically.

3. Lookup formulas -- If you understand how to use them, lookup formulas give you a powerful way to copy information from one part of a spreadsheet to another. For example, you can use lookup formulas to create an invoice that automatically inserts the correct product and price information when you type in a product code. Ordinarily, you'd expect this sort of solution to need macros or Visual Basic, but it doesn't.

4. Formula tracing -- Sometimes formulas go wrong, and the result is information that doesn't make sense (or an error code). Excel's formula tracing feature is a big help if this happens in a complex spreadsheet. When you use it, Excel adds arrows that point from the source cells to the formula that uses these cells. Essentially, formula tracing gives you a way to graphically "see" how your formula connects to the rest of your data, and it often helps you find the troublemaking cell that's causing the problem.

5. Charting tricks -- Charts tell a story with your data, and there are plenty of tricks that you can use to make them present that story more clearly and conclusively. For example: changing a chart's scale, adding an overlay, changing the fill of a specific series, inserting text and graphics directly on the chart surface, and so on, all have a dramatic effect. They make the difference between a chart that conveys a useful insight, and one that's just a bit of spreadsheet decoration.


Excel,全球最受歡迎的試算表程式,具有分析大量數據的能力。除了基本的數字計算外,Excel 2010 還具有許多令人印象深刻的功能,這些功能很難找到,更不用說掌握,尤其是在線幫助頁面上。這本遺失的手冊以獨特且風趣的風格清楚地解釋了所有功能的運作方式,以幫助您快速學習。

- 輕鬆導航。掌握 Excel 的分頁工具欄和新的後台檢視
- 執行各種計算。編寫公式進行數字四捨五入、計算抵押貸款等
- 組織您的數據。搜索、排序和篩選大量信息
- 顯示趨勢。使用圖表和圖形將數據生動呈現,包括稱為 Sparklines 的迷你圖表
- 檢查您的數據。使用樞紐表和切片器總結信息並找出隱藏的模式
- 共享您的試算表。使用 Excel Web App 在線與同事協作
- 恢復丟失的數據。恢復舊版本的數據並找回您忘記保存的試算表

Microsoft Excel 的前五個技巧

1. 分頁預覽 - 在分頁預覽模式下(選擇檢視 -> 工作簿檢視 -> 分頁預覽),您可以看到打印的工作表如何分割成多個頁面。但更有價值的是能夠將分頁拖動到新位置的能力。例如,如果您發現右側有一些不符合頁面的數據,您可以將分頁拖到右側以符合數據。這樣做時,Excel 會縮小整個工作表以適應您想要的信息。

2. 恢復未保存的工作 - 曾經開始一個新的工作簿,然後在匆忙關閉 Excel 時忘記保存它嗎?現在您可以找回丟失的工作。只需選擇文件 -> 資訊,點擊管理版本按鈕,然後選擇恢復未保存的工作簿,即可找到 Excel 自動存儲的未保存的試算表。

3. 查找公式 - 如果您了解如何使用它們,查找公式為您提供了一種將信息從試算表的一部分複製到另一部分的強大方法。例如,您可以使用查找公式在輸入產品代碼時自動插入正確的產品和價格信息。通常,您可能期望這種解決方案需要使用宏或 Visual Basic,但實際上不需要。

4. 公式追蹤 - 有時公式出錯,結果是不合理的信息(或錯誤代碼)。Excel 的公式追蹤功能在複雜的試算表中非常有幫助。使用此功能時,Excel 會添加箭頭,從源單元格指向使用這些單元格的公式。基本上,公式追蹤讓您以圖形方式“看到”公式如何與其他數據相連,並且通常有助於找到引起問題的單元格。

5. 圖表技巧 - 圖表通過數據講述故事,有很多技巧可以使它們更清晰和有力地呈現這個故事。例如:更改圖表的刻度、添加覆蓋、更改特定系列的填充、直接在圖表表面插入文本和圖形等,都會產生戲劇性的效果。它們使得圖表能夠傳達有用的見解,而不僅僅是試算表的裝飾品。