Dreamweaver CS5 : The Missing Manual (Paperback)

David Sawyer McFarland

  • 出版商: O'Reilly|英文2書85折
  • 出版日期: 2010-07-27
  • 定價: $1,750
  • 售價: 1.7$299
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 1096
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 1449381812
  • ISBN-13: 9781449381813
  • 相關分類: Dreamweaver
  • 立即出貨(限量) (庫存=1)




Web designers, web producers, and webmasters rely on one program above all others to design, build, and manage professional websites: Adobe Dreamweaver. It provides the tools you need to create everything from simple HTML pages to database-driven PHP pages. But what makes Dreamweaver so versatile is also what makes it difficult to learn. This bestselling guide offers you with clear, jargon-free explanations to help you master this sophisticated program -- and bring stunning, contemporary websites to life.

Written by veteran Dreamweaver teacher and author David McFarland, Dreamweaver CS5: The Missing Manual takes you through site creation step-by-step, from building your very first page to launching a template-driven, fully interactive site. You'll hone your skills with the help of hands-on, guided tutorials throughout the book.

  • Learn how to control the appearance of your web pages with CSS, from basic to advanced techniques
  • Design dynamic, database-driven websites, from blogs to product catalogs, and from shopping carts to newsletter signup forms
  • Add interactivity to your website with ready-to-use JavaScript programs from Adobe's Spry Framework
  • Effortlessly control the many helper files that power your website and manage thousands of pages
  • Examine web page components and Dreamweaver's capabilities with the book's "live examples"

Add Spry Tabbed Panels to Web Pages

Some website visitors are loath to scroll; if they don’t see what they want when a page first loads, they move on. Because of this, some web designers divide long passages of information into multiple pages so that each page presents small, easy-to-digest chunks. Of course, that means building several pages instead of just one, and forces visitors to click through (and wait for) a series of pages. Spry Tabbed Panels provides an alternative (see Figure 13-1). Instead of creating one long page, or several smaller pages, you can organize information into separate tabbed panels. That way, your content is always front and center, and your visitors can easily access different sections by clicking a tab above each panel.

Adding a Tabbed Panel

You can place Spry tabbed panels anywhere on a web page. But since the tabs form a single row at the top of the group of panels, you need enough horizontal space to accommodate all the tabs. Unless you have only a couple of tabs with one-word text labels, you should place the tabbed panels in a fairly wide space, such as the main column of a web page, or across the entire width of the page. Just follow these steps:

Figure 13-1. Organize your page’s content into easily accessible panels with
the Spry Tabbed Panels widget. Clicking a tab opens a new panel’s worth of
information without the browser having to load a new web page.

1. In the document window, click where you wish to insert the panels. For example, inside a div tag.

2. Choose Insert > Spry > Spry Tabbed Panels, or, on the Insert panel’s Spry category, click one of the Spry Tabbed Panel’s buttons (see Figure 13-2).

You can find all the Spry goodies on the Insert panel’s Spry category (Figure 13-2, left); you’ll also find several Spry widgets (including tabbed panels) listed under the Layout category (Figure 13-2, right), and other Spry buttons grouped under other tabs (form validation Spry widgets appear under the Forms tab, for example).

Figure 13-2. In the Insert panel, you can identify a Spry icon by the starburst
in the button’s lower-right corner. It’s even easier to distinguish them from
other buttons if, from the Insert Panel’s category menu, you choose Color
Icons--this changes the drab gray starburst to a bright orange.

After you insert a tabbed panel, you see two tabs and two panels on the page (Figure 13-3); in addition, a blue tab appears above the panels indicating the Spry widget. The blue tab appears only in Dreamweaver’s Design view, not in a guest’s web browser. It gives you an easy way to select the Spry widget and access its properties in the Property inspector.
    Note: When you save a page after inserting a Spry Tabbed Panel, Dreamweaver notifies you that it has added two files to the site: a CSS file (SpryTabbedPanels.css) for formatting the panel group, and a JavaScript file (SpryTabbedPanels.js) to make the panels appear and disappear when visitors click the tabs. Dreamweaver saves both files in the SpryAssets folder in your site’s root folder. Make sure you upload this folder when you move your site onto your web server.

3. In the Property inspector, name the panel group (Figure 13-3).

This step is optional. Dreamweaver provides a generic name (TabbedPanels1, for example) for the group of panels. You don’t really have to change this name; it never appears in a browser window. But if you ever take the plunge into manually modifying your Spry widgets in Code view, you may want to change the Spry panel group’s name to something more descriptive. If you create a group of tabbed panels to house information about a product, for example, you might name the panel group productPanels. A descriptive name helps you identify code related to the panel group if you work in Code view to enhance or change the functionality of the panels.

Figure 13-3. Normally, when a browser downloads a page containing Spry panels, it highlights the first
tab and panel. However, if you’d rather open another panel when the page loads, select
the relevant tab’s name in the Property inspector’s “Default panel” menu.

4. Add additional panels.

If two panels aren’t enough for your needs, use the Property inspector to add more. Above the list of tab names, click the + button (see Figure 13-3) to add a new panel. To remove a panel, in the same list, click the name of a tab, and then click the minus (-) button. You can also reorder the panels by selecting a tab from the list, and then clicking the up or down arrow button. The up arrow moves a panel to the left, while the down arrow moves a panel to the right.
    Note: A Spry widget’s properties appear in the Property inspector only when you select the widget. To do so, click the blue tab above the elements inside the widget.


網頁設計師、網頁製作人和網站管理員在設計、建立和管理專業網站時,最依賴的程式是Adobe Dreamweaver。它提供了您所需的工具,從簡單的HTML頁面到基於數據庫的PHP頁面都可以創建。但是,Dreamweaver的多功能性也使其學習起來困難。這本暢銷指南為您提供清晰、不帶行話的解釋,幫助您掌握這個複雜的程式,並將令人驚嘆的現代網站呈現出來。

《Dreamweaver CS5: The Missing Manual》是由經驗豐富的Dreamweaver教師和作者David McFarland撰寫的,它從建立您的第一個網頁到啟動基於模板的完全互動網站的過程中,逐步引導您進行網站創建。在整本書中,您將通過實踐指導的教程來提升您的技能。

使用Adobe的Spry Framework中的即用JavaScript程序為您的網站添加互動性;

添加Spry Tabbed Panels到網頁中
有些網站訪問者不喜歡滾動;如果他們在頁面加載時看不到他們想要的內容,他們就會離開。因此,一些網頁設計師將長篇信息分成多個頁面,以便每個頁面呈現小而易於消化的內容塊。當然,這意味著需要建立多個頁面而不僅僅是一個頁面,並且迫使訪問者點擊(並等待)一系列頁面。Spry Tabbed Panels提供了一種替代方法。您可以將信息組織成獨立的選項卡面板,而不是創建一個長頁面或多個小頁面。這樣,您的內容始終處於前台,訪問者可以通過點擊每個面板上方的選項卡輕鬆訪問不同的部分。


1. 在文檔窗口中,單擊要插入面板的位置。例如,在div標籤內部。

2. 選擇插入 > Spry > Spry Tabbed Panels,或者在插入面板的Spry類別中,單擊Spry Tabbed Panel的其中一個按鈕。
