Photoshop CS5: The Missing Manual (Paperback)

Lesa Snider

  • 出版商: O'Reilly|英文2書85折
  • 出版日期: 2010-06-29
  • 定價: $1,750
  • 售價: 1.7$299
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 816
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 1449381685
  • ISBN-13: 9781449381684
  • 相關分類: Photoshop
  • 立即出貨 (庫存=1)




You'd be hard-pressed to find a published image that hasn't spent some quality time in Adobe Photoshop. With new features such as Content-Aware Fill and Puppet Warp, Photoshop CS5 is more amazing -- and perhaps more bewildering -- than ever. That's where this full-color Missing Manual comes in. It covers Photoshop from a practical standpoint, with tips, tricks, and practical advice you can use every day to edit photos and create beautiful documents.

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced pixel pusher ready to try advanced techniques, author and graphics pro Lesa Snider offers crystal-clear, jargon-free instructions to help you take advantage of these powerful tools -- not only how they work, but when you should use them. Describing the CS4 edition, bestselling Photoshop author Scott Kelby wrote, "Lesa did a great job on the book, and in my mind, it is the new Photoshop Bible."

  • Learn your way around Photoshop's revamped workspace
  • Get up to speed on essential features such as layers and channels
  • Edit images by cropping, resizing, retouching, working with color, and more
  • Create paintings and illustrations, work with text, and explore filters
  • Prepare images for printing or the Web, and learn how to protect your images online
  • Work smarter and faster by automating tasks and installing plug-ins

Written with the clarity, humor, and objective scrutiny, Photoshop CS5: The Missing Manual is the friendly, thorough resource you need.

Using Content-Aware Fill in Photoshop CS5
By Lesa Snider

In Photoshop CS5, you have another option for filling selections called Content-Aware Fill. It works with the Fill command and the Spot Healing brush by comparing your selection or brushstroke to nearby pixels. Photoshop then fills the area so it blends seamlessly with the background. For example, you can follow these steps to break up a perfectly good boy band:

1. Open your image and duplicate the Background layer by pressing Ctrl+J. Since there’s no way to tell the Fill command to sample all layers (bummer!), it won’t work on an empty layer.

2. Use the selection tool of your choice to select the band member on the left. Because there’s a decent amount of contrast between the boy and the grassy meadow, the Magnetic Lasso tool does a great job. Grab it from the Tools panel by pressing Shift-L repeatedly until you see it appear. Mouse over to your image and click once to set a starting point, and then drag around the boy, clicking to add anchor points here and there.

3. Choose Edit > Fill and, from the Use pop-up menu, choose Content Aware. As soon as you press OK, Photoshop fills your selection with pixels from the surrounding area.

To fix the remaining outline of the deleted bandmate, just switch back to the Spot Healing Brush by pressing K (in the Options bar, make sure Content Aware is turned on). With a quick brushstroke here and there, you can clean up the final image quite nicely and it won’t take hours like it did in previous versions of the program. Until you can actually wish an object out of a photo, this new tool ought to suit you just fine.


你很難找到一張已發佈的圖片沒有在Adobe Photoshop中花費一些時間。Photoshop CS5具有Content-Aware Fill和Puppet Warp等新功能,比以往更令人驚嘆,也更令人困惑。這就是這本全彩色的Missing Manual的用途。它從實用的角度介紹了Photoshop,提供了每天編輯照片和創建美麗文件的技巧、訣竅和實用建議。

無論你是初學者還是準備嘗試高級技巧的經驗豐富的像素推動者,作者和圖形專家Lesa Snider提供了清晰、不帶行話的指導,幫助你充分利用這些強大的工具,不僅了解它們的工作原理,還了解何時應該使用它們。暢銷的Photoshop作者Scott Kelby在描述CS4版本時寫道:“Lesa在這本書中做得很好,我認為它是新的Photoshop聖經。”

本書以清晰、幽默和客觀的審查方式撰寫,《Photoshop CS5: The Missing Manual》是你需要的友好、全面的資源。

在Photoshop CS5中,你有另一個填充選擇的選項,稱為Content-Aware Fill。它與填充命令和斑點修復筆一起工作,通過將你的選擇或筆觸與附近的像素進行比較,然後用背景無縫混合填充區域。例如,你可以按照以下步驟分解一個完美的男孩團體:

1. 打開圖片並通過按下Ctrl+J來複製背景圖層。由於無法告訴填充命令採樣所有圖層(可惜!),它無法在空圖層上工作。

2. 使用你選擇的選擇工具選擇左側的團員。由於男孩和草地之間有相當大的對比度,磁性套索工具做得很好。從工具面板中選擇它,按Shift-L重複按鍵直到它出現。將鼠標移到圖片上,點擊一次設置起點,然後拖動周圍的男孩,點擊以添加錨點。

3. 選擇編輯>填充,從使用彈出菜單中選擇Content Aware。一旦按下確定,Photoshop將使用周圍區域的像素填充你的選擇。

要修復已刪除團員的剩餘輪廓,只需切換回斑點修復筆,按下K(在選項欄中,確保Content Aware已打開)。通過快速的筆觸,你可以很好地清理最終圖像,而不像以前的版本那樣需要幾個小時。在你能夠從照片中真正地消除一個物體之前,這個新工具應該能夠很好地滿足你的需求。