Flash CS5: The Missing Manual (Paperback)

Chris Grover

  • 出版商: O'Reilly|英文2書85折
  • 出版日期: 2010-06-29
  • 定價: $1,400
  • 售價: 2.1$299
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 778
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 1449380255
  • ISBN-13: 9781449380250
  • 立即出貨(限量) (庫存=2)




Unlock the power of Adobe Flash and bring stunning animations to life onscreen. It's easy with Flash CS5: The Missing Manual. You'll start creating animations in the first chapter, and learn to produce effective, well-planned visuals that get your message across. This entertaining edition includes a complete primer on animation, a guided tour of the program's tools, new illustrations, and lots of details on working with video.

Every chapter in this book provides step-by-step Flash tutorials. Beginners will learn to use the software in no time, and experienced Flash designers will improve their skills.

  • Learn to draw objects, animate them, and integrate your own audio and video files
  • Add interactivity, and use special effects, morphing, and much more
  • Use Adobe AIR to create full-blown, desktop applications with Flash
  • Check your work with the book's online example files and completed animations
  • Discover new Flash toolkits and features such as Frameless Animation
  • Learn how to automate your drawings and animations with ActionScript 3.0

With this book, you can get started with Flash CS5 with little or no programming experience. You'll learn in jargon-free English exactly what you need to know to use Flash effectively, while avoiding common pitfalls right from the start.

5 Ways to Build Flash CS5 Projects Faster
By Chris Grover

Whether you’re creating the next South Park, showing video on your website, or designing a cool desktop game, you’re eager to get that project out the door as fast as possible. Here are five ways to save time when you’re building Flash projects:

Start Fast with Templates
1. Start Fast with Templates. With Flash CS5 templates, all the tedious, time-consuming setup is done for you. For example, you can choose between two different photo album templates--one even uses XML (extensible markup language) to manage the photo files. Almost a dozen different animation templates provide pre-designed control over movement and other visual effects. You can find working examples for drag-and-drop interfaces, lip syncing for animated characters, and walking figures using IK Bones.

2. Make It Move with Motion Presets. Want to make text zip onscreen, hang around long enough to be read, and then zip off? Want to make a ball drop from the sky, hit the ground, and then bounce back up? These are the kind of actions you can apply using motion presets. Simply drag a preset onto the object you want to move. Once you’ve applied a motion preset, you can tweak the motion using the usual Flash tools.

3. Hook Up with IK Bones. With IK Bones, the drawings in your Flash animations can have more realistic connections. You can connect the hip bone to the thigh bone, and then specify exactly how those bones rotate and affect each other as they move. In Flash CS5, the new Spring property lets you fine-tune the action and reaction for different types of motion.

4. Code Quickly with Code Snippets. Flash CS5 provides code snippets that you can drop into your projects and then customize for your own purposes. You’ll also find snippets for ActionScript tasks, like starting and stopping movies, timeline navigation, animation motion and effects, loading and unloading external files, and working with audio and video.

5. Step Lively with Code Hinting. Code hinting is more than just a reference manual. It also auto-completes keywords and chunks of code. That both saves time and keeps spelling errors to a minimum. Code hinting also prompts you to fill in parameters if your statement requires them.


解鎖 Adobe Flash 的力量,將令人驚艷的動畫呈現在螢幕上。使用《Flash CS5: The Missing Manual》輕而易舉。您將在第一章開始創建動畫,並學習製作有效、精心計劃的視覺效果,以傳達您的訊息。這本有趣的版本包括完整的動畫入門指南,對該程式工具的導覽,新的插圖以及有關使用視頻的詳細信息。

本書的每一章都提供了逐步進行的 Flash 教程。初學者將很快學會使用軟體,而有經驗的 Flash 設計師將提高他們的技能。

使用 Adobe AIR 使用 Flash 創建完整的桌面應用程式
發現新的 Flash 工具包和功能,如無框動畫
學習如何使用 ActionScript 3.0 自動繪製和動畫

通過這本書,您可以在幾乎沒有或沒有編程經驗的情況下開始使用 Flash CS5。您將以不涉及行話的英語學習到使用 Flash 的有效方法,從一開始就避免常見的錯誤。

5個快速建立 Flash CS5 專案的方法
作者:Chris Grover

無論您是創建下一個 South Park,展示網站上的視頻,還是設計一個酷炫的桌面遊戲,您都渴望以最快的速度完成該專案。以下是在建立 Flash 專案時節省時間的五種方法:

1. 使用模板快速開始。使用 Flash CS5 模板,所有繁瑣、耗時的設置都已為您完成。例如,您可以在兩種不同的相冊模板之間選擇,其中一種甚至使用 XML(可擴展標記語言)來管理照片文件。近十種不同的動畫模板提供了預先設計的運動控制和其他視覺效果。您可以找到用於拖放界面、為動畫角色進行嘴型同步以及使用 IK 骨骼的行走人物的工作示例。

2. 使用運動預設使其動起來。想要使文字快速出現在螢幕上,停留足夠長時間以供閱讀,然後快速消失嗎?想要使球從天空中掉下來,撞到地面,然後彈回來嗎?這些都是您可以使用運動預設應用的動作。只需將預設拖放到要移動的物體上。一旦應用了運動預設,您可以使用通常的 Flash 工具微調運動。

3. 使用 IK 骨骼連接。使用 IK 骨骼,您的 Flash 動畫中的圖形可以具有更真實的連接。您可以將髖骨連接到大腿骨,然後指定這些骨骼在移動時如何旋轉和相互影響。在 Flash CS5 中,新的彈簧屬性讓您可以微調不同類型運動的動作和反應。

4. 使用程式碼片段快速編寫程式碼。Flash CS5 提供了可以放入專案並根據自己的需求自定義的程式碼片段。您還可以找到用於 ActionScript 任務的片段,例如啟動和停止電影、時間軸導航、動畫運動和效果、加載和卸載外部文件以及處理音頻和視頻。

5. 使用程式碼提示快速操作。程式碼提示不僅僅是提供程式碼建議,它還可以幫助您快速編寫程式碼,提高效率。