Facebook: The Missing Manual, 2/e (Paperback)

E. A. Vander Veer

  • 出版商: O'Reilly|英文2書85折
  • 出版日期: 2010-04-19
  • 定價: $700
  • 售價: 1.4$99
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 272
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 144938014X
  • ISBN-13: 9781449380144
  • 立即出貨(限量) (庫存=2)




Facebook's popularity is skyrocketing, drawing more than 400 million people to this combination online village green, personal website creator, and souped-up address book. But one thing you won't get when signing up is a printed manual. Enter Facebook: The Missing Manual, Second Edition -- the witty, authoritative guide you need, now revised and updated to include all of Facebook's latest features.

Coverage includes:

  • Getting started, getting connected. Signing up is easy, but the real payoff comes when you tap into networks of coworkers, classmates, and friends. This book explains it all-including how to pick and choose who gets to see what, and how to steer clear of people you want to avoid.
  • Adding applications. Ranging from silly (fortune cookies and video games) to serious (goal tracking), thousands of mini-programs can transform your Facebook account into an addictive, one-stop resource. Learn how to find and install your favorites.
  • Facebook for grownups and businesspeople. Facebook isn't just for Junior anymore. Thousands of companies and business professionals use the site for everything from project collaboration and advertising to filling (and finding) jobs. This book is written for adults of all ages.
  • Protecting your privacy. Creeps are everywhere online, but on Facebook you can feel especially exposed with so much personal info on display. This book offers an easy-to-follow, multi-pronged approach to staying safe.

How-to Create a Facebook Event
By E. A. Vander Veer

Whether you want to host a product launch party, start a study group at the local coffee shop, or have a community meeting, it’s easy to set up your own events on Facebook. Here’s what you do:

1. On your Home page, click the Events link.

Note: If an event is closely tied to a Facebook Group you created or that you’ve been made administrator of—you want to set up a monthly face-to-face meeting of yourbook club, for example—you’ll want to head to your Group’s profile page, click Create Group Event, and then follow steps 3–8 below. Doing so tells Facebook that your Group is hosting the event and lets you invite all the Group’s members in one fell swoop by turning on the checkbox next to “Invite Members of the host group [your Group’s name]” that appears on the “Step 3: Invite Friends” tab (see step 8).

2. On the Events page that appears, click the “Create an Event” button.

3.On the “Step 1: Create Event” page, fill out as many of the fields as possible. You have to fill out some fields—like the event’s name—but you should fill in as many of the other fields as you can. Doing so makes events easier for people to find, because they can search on every word you add. It also encourages people to RSVP, since the more people know about an event (and the better you make it sound), the more likely they are to attend. Make sure you pick an event name you like, because after you create your event, you can’t change what it’s called. (You can, however, delete the event and create a new one with a different name.)

4. Decide how open you want your event to be. Facebook assumes you want to plan an open event that everyone on the site can view and attend, and that all attendees can contribute to by uploading photos, videos, links, and Wall posts. If that’s fine with you--for example, if your event is one that’s open to the public and is listed in the local newspapers, or is an attend-in-spirit-only kind of event--you don’t have to do a thing. Otherwise, you need to click the Privacy drop-down list and choose either Closed or Secret. For most face-to-face events, you’ll want to choose Closed so you don’t get a bunch of riffraff showing up. If you have a very specific, finite guest list and the event is private (such as a business meeting or intimate birthday gathering), choose Secret; that way, you can invite just the folks on your list and not have to worry about strangers requesting invitations.

5. Click the Create Event button. Facebook posts a bare-bones version of your event on the site that people can find in searches (unless you made the event secret).

6. On the “Step 2: Add Details” page that appears, browse for the image file you want to appear on your event listing, and then click Upload Picture. Technically, this step is optional, but an appropriate and clever photo, drawing, or logo will make your event’s listing a lot more appealing.

7. Add as much additional info as you want, tweak a few settings, and then click the “Save and Continue” button. You don’t have to go hog wild, but adding a description and choosing an event type goes a long way toward helping folks find your event.

8. Invite some guests. Facebook lists your friends and Friend Lists on the “Step 3: Invite Friends” page that appears, so all you need to do is choose who you want to invite and then click Send Invitations.

Note: Facebook events are supposed to be for your friends (or for the members of Groups you’re in charge of). So you can’t invite Facebook members to events unless they’re your friends—but you can invite pals who aren’t yet Facebook members. To do so, on the “Step 3: Invite Friends” page, head to the “Invite People via Email” field and type in email addresses separated by commas, and then click Send Invitations.

You can change your event after you create it. First, display the event’s profile (on your Home page, click the Events link and then, when the list of your events appears, click the name of the event you want to change). Then, on the right side of the event’s profile page, click one of the options, such as “Edit Event”, “Invite People to Come”, or “Cancel This Event”.


Facebook的受歡迎程度急速上升,吸引了超過4億人使用這個結合了網上村莊、個人網站創建者和強化版通訊錄的平台。但是,當你註冊時,你不會得到一本印刷手冊。這就是《Facebook: The Missing Manual》第二版的用途 - 這本詼諧、權威的指南現已修訂和更新,包括Facebook的最新功能。

- 開始使用,建立聯繫。註冊很容易,但真正的回報是當你加入同事、同學和朋友的網絡時。本書將解釋一切,包括如何選擇誰可以看到你的內容,以及如何避免你想避開的人。
- 添加應用程式。從愚蠢的(幸運餅乾和視頻遊戲)到嚴肅的(目標追踪),數千個小程序可以將你的Facebook帳戶變成一個令人上癮的一站式資源。學習如何找到並安裝你喜歡的應用程式。
- 面向成年人和商業人士的Facebook。Facebook不再只是年輕人的專利。成千上萬的公司和商業專業人士使用這個平台進行項目協作、廣告和招聘。本書適合各個年齡段的成年人閱讀。
- 保護你的隱私。在網上,騷擾者無處不在,但在Facebook上,由於個人信息的公開展示,你可能感到特別暴露。本書提供了一種易於遵循的多管齊下的方法來保護自己的安全。

1. 在你的首頁上,點擊“活動”鏈接。
2. 在出現的活動頁面上,點擊“創建活動”按鈕。
3. 在“第1步:創建活動”頁面上,填寫盡可能多的字段。你必須填寫一些字段,比如活動的名稱,但你應該盡可能填寫其他字段。這樣做可以讓人們更容易找到活動,因為他們可以搜索你添加的每個詞。這也鼓勵人們回覆,因為越多人知道活動(並且你描述得越好),他們參加的可能性就越大。請確保選擇一個你喜歡的活動名稱,因為在創建活動後,你無法更改它的名稱(但你可以刪除活動並使用不同的名稱創建新活動)。
4. 決定你希望活動有多開放。Facebook假設你想計劃一個開放的活動,所有網站上的人都可以查看和參加,所有參與者都可以通過上傳照片、視頻、鏈接和牆上帖子來貢獻。如果這對你來說沒問題 - 例如,如果你的活動是公開的並且在當地報紙上列出,或者是一個需要面對面參加的活動,那麼這對你來說是可以接受的。