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Learn computer programming the easy way with Processing, a simple language that lets you use code to create drawings, animation, and interactive graphics. Programming courses usually start with theory, but this book lets you jump right into creative and fun projects. It's ideal for anyone who wants to learn basic programming, and serves as a simple introduction to graphics for people with some programming skills.
Written by the founders of Processing, this book takes you through the learning process one step at a time to help you grasp core programming concepts. You'll learn how to sketch with code -- creating a program with one a line of code, observing the result, and then adding to it. Join the thousands of hobbyists, students, and professionals who have discovered this free and educational community platform.
- Quickly learn programming basics, from variables to objects
- Understand the fundamentals of computer graphics
- Get acquainted with the Processing software development environment
- Create interactive graphics with easy-to-follow projects
- Use the Arduino open source prototyping platform to control your Processing graphics
學習計算機程式設計的簡單方法是使用 Processing,這是一種簡單的語言,讓你可以使用程式碼創建繪圖、動畫和互動圖形。程式設計課程通常從理論開始,但這本書讓你可以直接進入創意和有趣的專案。它非常適合任何想學習基本程式設計的人,並且對於具備一些程式設計技能的人來說,這是圖形學的簡單入門。
這本書由 Processing 的創始人撰寫,逐步引導你進入學習過程,幫助你掌握核心程式設計概念。你將學會如何用程式碼進行草圖繪製——用一行程式碼創建一個程式,觀察結果,然後再進行擴展。加入成千上萬的愛好者、學生和專業人士,他們已經發現了這個免費且具教育意義的社群平台。
- 快速學習程式設計基礎,從變數到物件
- 理解計算機圖形學的基本原理
- 熟悉 Processing 軟體開發環境
- 通過易於跟隨的專案創建互動圖形
- 使用 Arduino 開源原型平台控制你的 Processing 圖形