Conversion Optimization: The Art and Science of Converting Prospects to Customers (Paperback)
暫譯: 轉換優化:將潛在客戶轉化為顧客的藝術與科學(平裝本)

Khalid Saleh, Ayat Shukairy

  • 出版商: O'Reilly
  • 出版日期: 2010-12-14
  • 定價: $1,188
  • 售價: 8.0$950
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 272
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 1449377564
  • ISBN-13: 9781449377564
  • 立即出貨




How do you turn website visitors into customers?
Conversion Optimization offers practical advice on how to persuade visitors to make a buying decision -- without driving them away through data overload or tedious navigation. You'll learn how to use marketing principles, design, usability, and analytics on your site to increase your buyer-to-visitor ratio, whether you're involved with marketing or designing a large ecommerce site, or managing a modest online operation.
Based on the authors' broad experience in helping businesses attract online customers, this book addresses every aspect of the process, from landing visitors to finalizing the sale. You'll learn several techniques for blending successful sales approaches with the particular needs of the people you want to attract. Are you ready to do what it takes to get a double-digit conversion rate?
  • Explore case studies involving significant conversion rate improvements
  • Walk through different stages of a sale and understand the value of each
  • Understand your website visitors through persona creation
  • Connect with potential customers and guide them toward a conversion
  • Learn how to deal with FUDs -- customer fears, uncertainties, and doubts
  • Examine the path that visitors take from landing page to checkout
  • Test any change you make against your original design
"The Web is unique in its ability to deliver this almost improbable win-win: You can increase revenue AND make your customers happy. Yet most websites stink. Worry not, Khalid and Ayat to the rescue! Buy this book to follow their practical advice on how to create high converting websites that your visitors love." --Avinash Kaushik, author of Web Analytics 2.0 and Web Analytics: An Hour A Day (both Sybex)

"This book goes far beyond optimizing conversion. It is a digital marketing primer that explains both the geeky stuff ("bounce rates") and the soft stuff ("social proof"). Anyone who wants to increase online sales or website traffic should read it--by my calculation, that's just about every marketer in the world." - Guy KawasakiCo-founder of and author of Enchantment: The Art of Changing Hearts, Minds, and Actions



  • 探索涉及顯著轉換率改善的案例研究

  • 了解銷售的不同階段及其價值

  • 通過角色創建了解您的網站訪客

  • 與潛在顧客建立聯繫並引導他們轉換

  • 學習如何處理FUD——顧客的恐懼、不確定性和懷疑

  • 檢視訪客從登陸頁面到結帳的路徑

  • 測試您所做的任何更改與原始設計的對比

「網路在提供這種幾乎不可能的雙贏方面是獨特的:您可以增加收入並讓顧客滿意。然而,大多數網站都很糟糕。別擔心,Khalid和Ayat來拯救您!購買本書,跟隨他們的實用建議,創建訪客喜愛的高轉換率網站。」——Avinash Kaushik,《Web Analytics 2.0》和《Web Analytics: An Hour A Day》(均為Sybex)的作者

「這本書遠不止於轉換優化。它是一本數位行銷入門書,解釋了技術性內容(如『跳出率』)和軟性內容(如『社會證明』)。任何想要增加在線銷售或網站流量的人都應該閱讀它——根據我的計算,這幾乎是世界上每一位行銷人員。」- Guy Kawasaki, Alltop.com的共同創辦人 及《Enchantment: The Art of Changing Hearts, Minds, and Actions》的作者