WebSocket: Lightweight Client-Server Communications (PaperBack)

Andrew Lombardi




Until recently, creating desktop-like applications in the browser meant using inefficient Ajax or Comet technologies to communicate with the server. With this practical guide, you’ll learn how to use WebSocket, a protocol that enables the client and server to communicate with each other on a single connection simultaneously. No more asynchronous communication or long polling!

For developers with a good grasp of JavaScript (and perhaps Node.js), author Andrew Lombardi provides useful hands-on examples throughout the book to help you get up to speed with the WebSocket API. You’ll also learn how to use WebSocket with Transport Layer Security (TLS).

  • Learn how to use WebSocket API events, messages, attributes, and methods within your client application
  • Build bi-directional chat applications on the client and server with WebSocket as the communication layer
  • Create a subprotocol over WebSocket for STOMP 1.0, the Simple Text Oriented Messaging Protocol
  • Use options for older browsers that don’t natively support WebSocket
  • Protect your WebSocket application against various attack vectors with TLS and other tools
  • Debug applications by learning aspects of the WebSocket lifecycle


近年來,在瀏覽器中創建類似桌面應用程式的方式通常需要使用效率低下的 Ajax 或 Comet 技術與伺服器進行通訊。這本實用指南將教你如何使用 WebSocket,一種協議,使得客戶端和伺服器能夠在單一連接上「同時」進行通訊。不再需要非同步通訊或長輪詢!

對於對 JavaScript(或許還有 Node.js)有良好理解的開發人員,作者 Andrew Lombardi 在整本書中提供了實用的實例,幫助你快速掌握 WebSocket API。你還將學習如何在 Transport Layer Security(TLS)中使用 WebSocket。

- 學習如何在客戶端應用程式中使用 WebSocket API 的事件、訊息、屬性和方法
- 使用 WebSocket 作為通訊層,在客戶端和伺服器上建立雙向聊天應用程式
- 為 STOMP 1.0(Simple Text Oriented Messaging Protocol)創建 WebSocket 的子協議
- 使用舊版不支援 WebSocket 的瀏覽器選項
- 使用 TLS 和其他工具保護你的 WebSocket 應用程式免受各種攻擊向量
- 通過學習 WebSocket 生命週期的各個方面來進行應用程式調試