Elasticsearch: The Definitive Guide (Paperback)

Clinton Gormley, Zachary Tong




Whether you need full-text search or real-time analytics of structured data—or both—the Elasticsearch distributed search engine is an ideal way to put your data to work. This practical guide not only shows you how to search, analyze, and explore data with Elasticsearch, but also helps you deal with the complexities of human language, geolocation, and relationships.

If you’re a newcomer to both search and distributed systems, you’ll quickly learn how to integrate Elasticsearch into your application. More experienced users will pick up lots of advanced techniques. Throughout the book, you’ll follow a problem-based approach to learn why, when, and how to use Elasticsearch features.

  • Understand how Elasticsearch interprets data in your documents
  • Index and query your data to take advantage of search concepts such as relevance and word proximity
  • Handle human language through the effective use of analyzers and queries
  • Summarize and group data to show overall trends, with aggregations and analytics
  • Use geo-points and geo-shapes—Elasticsearch’s approaches to geolocation
  • Model your data to take advantage of Elasticsearch’s horizontal scalability
  • Learn how to configure and monitor your cluster in production


無論您需要全文搜索還是結構化數據的實時分析,Elasticsearch 分佈式搜索引擎都是將數據應用於工作的理想方式。這本實用指南不僅向您展示如何使用 Elasticsearch 搜索、分析和探索數據,還幫助您應對人類語言、地理位置和關係的複雜性。

如果您對搜索和分佈式系統都是新手,您將迅速學習如何將 Elasticsearch 集成到應用程序中。有經驗的用戶將學習到許多高級技巧。在整本書中,您將遵循一種基於問題的方法,了解何時、為什麼以及如何使用 Elasticsearch 的功能。

- 瞭解 Elasticsearch 如何解釋文檔中的數據
- 索引和查詢數據,以利用搜索概念,如相關性和詞語接近度
- 通過有效使用分析器和查詢來處理人類語言
- 通過匯總和分析來總結和分組數據,展示整體趨勢
- 使用地理點和地理形狀,即 Elasticsearch 的地理位置方法
- 模型化數據以利用 Elasticsearch 的水平擴展性
- 學習如何在生產環境中配置和監控集群