Understanding and Using C Pointers (Paperback)
暫譯: 理解與使用 C 指標 (平裝本)

Richard M Reese




Improve your programming through a solid understanding of C pointers and memory management. With this practical book, you’ll learn how pointers provide the mechanism to dynamically manipulate memory, enhance support for data structures, and enable access to hardware. Author Richard Reese shows you how to use pointers with arrays, strings, structures, and functions, using memory models throughout the book.

Difficult to master, pointers provide C with much flexibility and power—yet few resources are dedicated to this data type. This comprehensive book has the information you need, whether you’re a beginner or an experienced C or C++ programmer or developer.

  • Get an introduction to pointers, including the declaration of different pointer types
  • Learn about dynamic memory allocation, de-allocation, and alternative memory management techniques
  • Use techniques for passing or returning data to and from functions
  • Understand the fundamental aspects of arrays as they relate to pointers
  • Explore the basics of strings and how pointers are used to support them
  • Examine why pointers can be the source of security problems, such as buffer overflow
  • Learn several pointer techniques, such as the use of opaque pointers, bounded pointers and, the restrict keyword


改善您的程式設計能力,透過對 C 語言指標和記憶體管理的深入理解。這本實用的書籍將教您指標如何提供動態操作記憶體的機制,增強對資料結構的支援,並使硬體存取成為可能。作者 Richard Reese 將向您展示如何在整本書中使用指標與陣列、字串、結構和函數,並使用記憶體模型。

指標難以掌握,但為 C 語言提供了極大的靈活性和力量,然而專門針對這種資料類型的資源卻不多。這本全面的書籍包含了您所需的資訊,無論您是初學者還是有經驗的 C 或 C++ 程式設計師或開發者。

- 獲得指標的介紹,包括不同指標類型的宣告
- 了解動態記憶體分配、釋放及替代的記憶體管理技術
- 使用技術來傳遞或返回資料到函數
- 理解陣列的基本概念及其與指標的關係
- 探索字串的基本知識以及指標如何用來支援它們
- 檢視為何指標可能成為安全問題的根源,例如緩衝區溢位
- 學習幾種指標技術,例如使用不透明指標、界限指標和 restrict 關鍵字