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When you need quick answers for developing or debugging Java programs, this pocket guide provides a handy reference to the standard features of the Java programming language and its platform. You’ll find helpful programming examples, tables, figures, and lists, as well as supplemental information about topics including the Java Scripting API, third-party tools, and the basics of the Unified Modeling Language (UML).
Updated for new features through Java SE 7, this little book is an ideal companion, whether you’re in the office, in the lab, or on the road.
- Quickly find Java language details, such as naming conventions, fundamental types, and object-oriented programming elements
- Get details on the Java SE 7 platform, including development basics, memory management, concurrency, and generics
- Browse through basic information on NIO 2.0, the G1 Garbage Collector, and Project Coin (JSR-334) features
- Get supplemental references to development, CM, and test tools; libraries; IDEs; and Java-related scripting languages
- Find information to help you prepare for the Oracle Certified Associate Java SE 7 Programmer I exam
當您需要快速解答以開發或除錯 Java 程式時,這本口袋指南提供了 Java 程式語言及其平台的標準功能的便捷參考。您將找到有用的程式範例、表格、圖形和清單,以及有關 Java Scripting API、第三方工具和統一建模語言(Unified Modeling Language, UML)基礎知識的補充資訊。
這本小書已更新至 Java SE 7 的新功能,是您在辦公室、實驗室或旅途中理想的夥伴。
- 快速查找 Java 語言的細節,例如命名慣例、基本類型和物件導向程式設計元素
- 獲取有關 Java SE 7 平台的詳細資訊,包括開發基礎、記憶體管理、併發和泛型
- 瀏覽有關 NIO 2.0、G1 垃圾收集器和 Project Coin(JSR-334)功能的基本資訊
- 獲取有關開發、配置管理(CM)和測試工具、函式庫、整合開發環境(IDE)以及與 Java 相關的腳本語言的補充參考
- 查找幫助您準備 Oracle Certified Associate Java SE 7 Programmer I 考試的資訊